Material Obsession  - Marg's quilting group, that Kathy is writing about, is the group my sister Tricia has been going to for 20 years....
I'm wondering how you all deal with spam on your blogs. I have tried to simplify the comments process here by taking off word verificat...
When I first decided that I'd had enough of my rampant spending and the insidious system that encouraged it, I realised that a lot of t...
I spent a few very pleasant hours yesterday with Katie and Reuben from House of Humble blog . I had met Reuben once before on my book tour ...
I delved a little further into the world of solitude and silence on the weekend. I spent much of Saturday morning going through old papers ...
Thank you for the comments left during the week, especially those yesterday in response to Jill and Jack's call for help. Reading many ...
Both images are by the wonderful Swedish artist Carl Larsson from  here . Today I have an email from a reader who is due to have her ...
I love being alone. There is something about living alone for a few days that puts life into perspective and cleanses the soul. It does for...
I am often asked to review books and say 'no' to most of the requests. Then Country Gardens Country Hospitality came along and I s...
I did it! Greenhorns  is an American organisation who promote, recruit and support new farmers. I think this is one of the best ideas ...
I have written in the past about how trying to be perfect holds you back rather than helps you. Life as we live it is a changeable feast and...
I hope all my friends on the east coast of the US are safe and sound. I've not seen any TV reports yet but the pictures online show som...
If you decide to take the big leap of faith and turn your back on this consumerist society we live in, often you'll produce some of you...
On Thursday, I stepped down from my role as secretary of the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre. I left as a volunteer when Hanno had his accident...
There is a wonderful giveaway prize of Amish dolls clothes and a book  here . Hurry, it closes today. I've had an unusually lar...
I've had a couple of requests to write about ongoing changes as you age and get ready for retirement. Hopefully, by the time you...
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