I would like to congratualate the winners of Rhonda's 500,000 visitor giveaway. I printed all the comments and cut them up. I shrunk the...
Clicking on the photos will enlarge them. I thought I had today to look for a giveaway but after I read all your delightful comments on yest...
I wrote yesterday about my life and how I have changed. I want to take that a step further today and write about how you might simplify, if...
When I was growing up it was a commonly held belief that if you did well at school, worked hard and made a lot of money, you would live a li...
The Down to Earth book is going ahead. My agent thinks there is a lot of potential so we are preparing a proposal for the publishers. We...
There is good news from yesterday. Hanno's doctor said he thinks he can be treated for the glaucoma with drops, and these started last n...
Hello everyone. My routine has been thrown out somewhat because I have a visitor here. My second sister, Kathleen, arrived yesterday aftern...
I remember long, long ago often seeing my grandmother drink vinegar. When a salad was eaten, she used to pour the small amount of plain vin...
KNITTING WITH SHARON - KNITTING BUDDIES Hello ladies. It is nice to see how many of you are interested in learning how to knit or to start k...
We have to net these peaches this weekend to stop the fruit fly getting them. It's a constant battle which I often seem to lose. You wo...
I wish it wasn’t like this but money has a lot to do with simple living. I guess it’s naive to think that money, and the power attached to ...
I hope everyone is having a relaxing week-end. I will try to post the knitting buddies on Monday. I will leave you with some helpful knit...
We set off early, just the three of us - Hanno, Alice and me, with the sun almost breaking over the horizen, heading for Shane and Sarndra&#...
Good morning all. I don't have time to post today, we're off as soon as we finish our tea to visit Shane and Sarndra. I'll tak...
Those of you who need help learning to knit and those who are willing to help please leave your names, e-mail (spelled out of course) and al...
My knitting stash and knitting needles. One of the lovely things about first coming to your simple life is that you make your day-to-day liv...
Although I didn't do much in the way of chores on the weekend, I did bake some barmbrack . Barmbrack is a traditional Irish fruit brea...
It's been like a roller coaster these last few days. I have finally accepted that Rosie is gone but I am thankful that I can still see ...
Hanno and I have been overwhelmed by the sweet messages left about Rosie. They helped us during that first day, the most difficult one, wh...
Rosie grew sicker as the day progressed yesterday. I walked around the garden with her in the afternoon because she couldn't sit st...
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