This is another post on dishcloths. If you've had your fill of them, turn away now and come back later in the week. I've had a few ...
Hanno and I are always looking for low-tech ways to improve what we do here so when Tricia and I stopped at a thrift shop the other day and...
I received an email a couple of weeks ago from a couple who have been following my blog for over a year. They have two children, both are ...
Well, I've just spent a few busy days catering for a community development seminar at my neighbourhood centre. Three days spent out in ...
Tomorrow, the Future Tense program on Radio National will do a follow up interview with me. The program starts at 8.30am and I think I'...
I've never been what you would call an organised person but now I feel a bit like a quantum physicist - out of the chaos, order emerges....
I have written here in the past about the satisfaction Hanno and I feel by being independent. For us, independence means that we're ab...
It's been a wild and woolly weekend here with a lot of rain and wind. Our rain gauge overflowed so I'm not sure how much we got b...
I received an email recently from a woman who has developed a phobia about cooking from scratch, particularly when it involves cooking meat...
There are certain times of the year and certain tasks we do here that almost define how we live. Spring is one of those times. The beginni...
I haven't shown you around the garden for a while but the truth is it's growing like the clappers. We've had consistent rain ov...
It was our wedding anniversary last week. Thirty one years of life committed to one person. We created two new lives, invested our futures ...
This may seem out of place on my blog but I would like to help my sister, Tricia, sell her home. That's it above and it's in the Bl...
I'd been thinking about it for a while and as Hanno was away last night I decided that it was time to have a no electricity night. I wa...
I didn't blog about this when we were in the thick of it because I didn't understand fully what had just happened. I thought it wa...
Well, here I am back again and I have to tell you, I missed being here. Writing my blog early in the morning sets me up for the day and I f...
I used a random number generator to select the winner. Congratulations to Tina #13 ♥ Tina said... My hubby would be thrilled to win thes...
A couple of months ago, when Tricia was visiting, I had an email from Fiskars asking if I wanted to try some of their products. I rarely ta...
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