I was going to resurrect some old posts while I was away but I forgot all about it until now. I hope you enjoy this old boy - it's from...
PEACE and LOVE   This painting is attributed here to Carl Larsson. I'm not sure it is his work but I like it anyway. Well,...
The wonderful Maggie Beer Paper cup garland lights Homemade Christmas Ted Trainer's transition Australian heroes This is a ver...
Just dropping in quickly to share this photo of Alex, the first visitor to the sandpit. Sarndra and Alex arrived yesterday afternoon for ...
An email came from a US reader, Abby, who asked about being a homemaker in later years. This is part of what she wrote: "I am a stay...
I am married to a wonderful man and I don't say it enough. I think it often but it's not the same. We make a very sound team and be...
Next Monday is Christmas Eve so this is the final week to organise ourselves enough so that we enjoy the festivities as much as the re...
The Down to Earth eBook is being released by Penguin today. Yipee! I had a few sample pages emailed to me last week and I'm really ple...
A timely reminder from Soulemama Who owns your content? Do you have a Facebook page?  Better read this Finding a vet for your choo...
Not many women grow up knowing their career of choice will be that of a homemaker. Most Western education is steered towards the commercial...
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