There is no doubt about it, running a home is complicated, and when you add in a partner, children, pets, homeschooling, work, gardens and w...
I've been thinking about the post I'll do tomorrow. I need your help with it. I want to write a post about how we're all differe...
This photo is completely off today's topic, it's a small view of our front garden. It's spring here so we have all sorts of flo...
I read back through some old comments this afternoon. Some days I don't have a chance to do that and it's something I must do everyd...
Carrying on with our theme of not wasting food, today I want to talk about auditing your stockpile. We did our monthly shopping yesterday so...
Here are your partners, ladies. As with all swaps, there will be minor tweaking today and tomorrow. Brigit, do you want to be in the swap? I...
Briget, are you in the swap or is it just Jennie? Jennifer, can we have your daughters name or initials, or maybe an online name? Mrs MK, I ...
The beautiful quilt pictured above is one my sister, Tricia, is working on. She usually gives her quilts away but this one will be kept and ...
Good morning everyone! It's Wednesday morning so this is a reminder that the swap will close in a few hours. If you want to join in, p...
If you're wondering why I have a jug with a strainer and a jar on top, I'm making quark cheese. It's a sad and cruel fact that i...
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