This week's favourite place photos come from Clarissa in beautiful Port Macquarie NSW, Australia and Bridget in Brisbane, Australia. Th...
It's our 36th wedding anniversary today.  Hanno and I were married in Hamburg in 1979 and all these years later, we're still go...
I still have some places in one blogging workshop on 24 October and one writing workshop on 25 October. The blogging workshop is for be...
This is a weekly feature for readers to show us their favourite place at home. The photos this week come from Jocelyn in Canada and Jill in...
Well, after all this time, I finally feel that the garden is ready to be photographed. We usually start our annual planting in March to tak...
We had a wonderful lunch to celebrate Hanno's birthday yesterday. The family gathered for the event at a local restaurant and while we ...
Hanno is celebrating his 75th birthday today. He's asked for a family lunch with no gifts so that's what we're doing. Shane, ...
The days are getting longer and warmer here and I'm guessing that most of us are experiencing a change in the temperature. I hope you ...
This is a weekly feature where readers share photos and words about their favourite place at home. This week our two readers are Kirsti in ...
Hello everyone. I'm going to offer four workshops here at my home.  They'll be on blogging and writing for publication and run on t...
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