Most of you know I'm writing for Penguin again and hope to have that series of six ebooks published from March next year. They'll b...
A week or so ago I said I'd answer any questions you had. I got two questions, both set out below. I hope both ladies are still reading...
I was hoping to have Johnathan's cotton cardigan finished for Christmas but it is not to be. I foolishly mis-read the pattern twice! an...
I've been seeing the heavy snow falls and storm footage from north America and the UK on our news here. It's such a tragedy t...
I'm often on the lookout for ways to do my day-to-day chores without using any, or very few, cleaning products.  There are two clear wa...
Hanno did the grocery shopping yesterday; he does it almost every week because I don't like going to the shops. I was preparing lunch w...
I've written about this subject in the past but I'm doing it again because I've had a few requests for it. Let me start by sayi...
I hope all those ovens are being cleaned along with all the other pre-Christmas tasks. Try to stay calm and focused. In less than three wee...
I use my oven a lot, probably five times a week on average. Everything goes in there - bread, scones, cakes, biscuits, pies, quiches, roas...
One of the many things we do here is to keep an eye on our house, car and garden maintenance. We don't want things to get out of hand a...
We're coming into the danger zone, a time when we all have to watch what we do, stop listening to the incessant Christmas advertising a...
Happy thanksgiving to all my American friends. May your day is full of family, friends and good food. Quick Tip: If you need ice over the...
I received an email from Amy last week asking about working outside the home. I'll contribute my two cents worth and with Amy's pe...
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