Our boxing day kitchen sink is situated in America.  This kitchen is Pam's from Life on a Southern Farm blog.    Pam writes: "Thi...
Recently I conducted a comprehensive survey of Hanno and I and discovered that we have the warmest, friendliest and most loyal readers in th...
I think today's kitchen comes from America.  Montanasmama doesn't say where she is from, but from the name and the measurement in in...
Girl in the pink dress asked for a post on making wholewheat/wholemeal bread.  I made some yesterday so here are my thoughts.  The most impo...
I see living simply as a series of adjustments.  Much of what I'm doing now, I did before but in a different way, or with a different at...
We had a wonderful time yesterday.  We celebrated Christmas early because our family is full of chefs, and chefs work on Christmas day.  Ou...
We are back in America again today, I am featuring the photos exactly in the order in which they arrived.  This is Tara's kitchen. &qu...
Today's kitchen sink is in Flowerlady's home in Florida.  She writes: "What a neat subject! Since the kitchen is where so mu...
Today will be a busy one for me. I'm collecting organic chickens and a grass-fed, local beef roast from the butcher, ice cream cake from...
Today's photos are from Vicky and Abby in Melbourne.    My daughter and I live in Melbourne with my sister and her daughter, so we’re...
We are back to a practical subject again today because I've been thinking about the word "germaphobe" and it scares me a littl...
I enjoyed your post. I'm wondering, though, how much your slower more deliberate life is possible because your children are grown and go...
Around our neck of the woods a typical day goes something like this. I rise at 4 and write until the dogs want to go outside, I let them ou...
Today we travel south from where I live to visit Rose's kitchen in NSW, south of Sydney. Rose says:  "Mid-week, mid-evening pea...
Today our kitchen travels take us to Arizona, to Marcia's kitchen in Wilhoit. Marcia writes: "I love reading your blog.  I, too,...
We all know that buying disposable products adds not only many dollars to our grocery bill but also to our carbon emissions.  Luckily, disp...
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