28 February 2025

Workshops update


This photo shows what the weather's been like here.  That's steam coming off my neighbours shed roof after a brief downpour of rain. 

I hope we’re getting closer to organising these workshops. I didn’t explain this clearly enough: Group 1 is four workshops, Group 2 is four workshops. Out of those eight workshops I thought we probably end up doing three or four.

To make it worthwhile for me, I need 10 people in each workshop. After the last update, I got 19 emails suggesting various workshops on the list, a few from people who just wanted me to talk about various simple topics and then open it up to questions. Quite a few want one-on-one sessions. The most popular topics are cost of living/frugal living and gardening, only three want baking.

I thought there’d be more people interested but I’ll try to make it work with the numbers we have. Now, after a rethink, the first workshop will be how I started building my own simple life step-by-step. I think you’ll be surprised by what we did. Then we’ll have questions after that. You can ask me anything. The second workshop will be various gardening topics - starting a garden, planting seeds seedlings, compost, watering, fertilising and harvesting. With this one you can ask questions as we go along. If these go well, we might be able to add more. We can talk about that online.

If you want a one-on-one session let me know what topic you’re interested in by emailing rhondasworkshops@gmail.com I’m happy to do the one-on-one sessions and so far I have bookings for mending, writing a blog and books, starting a simple life, budgeting and family life. If you want to do one of these, you choose your own topic and we talk for an hour. The cost is $75.

In an attempt to offer times that suit I’m thinking Thursday  20 March at 3pm and another at 11am on Saturday 22 March. 

The deadline for booking your place in a workshop is 6pm, 7 March. Payment deadline is 14 March - please pay at PayPal. My username is @rhondahetzel

Thanks everyone. 🙂

  • rhondahetzel's profile picture

    Hello everyone. I hope we’re getting closer to organising these workshops. I didn’t explain this clearly enough: Group 1 is four workshops, Group 2 is four workshops. Out of those eight workshops I thought we probably end up doing three or four.

    To make it worthwhile for me, I need 10 people in each workshop. After the last update, I got 19 emails suggesting various workshops on the list, a few from people who just wanted me to talk about various simple topics and then open it up to questions. Quite a few want one-on-one sessions. The most popular topics are cost of living/frugal living and gardening, only three want baking.

    I thought there’d be more people interested but I’ll try to make it work with the numbers we have. Now, after a rethink, the first workshop will be how I started building my own simple life step-by-step. I think you’ll be surprised by what we did. Then we’ll have questions after that. You can ask me anything. The second workshop will be various gardening topics - starting a garden, planting seeds seedlings, compost, watering, fertilising and harvesting. With this one you can ask questions as we go along. If these go well, we might be able to add more. We can talk about that online. The workshops run for 1½ hours.

    If you want a one-on-one session let me know what topic you’re interested in by emailing rhondasworkshops@gmail.com I’m happy to do the one-on-one sessions and so far I have bookings for mending, writing a blog and books, starting a simple life, budgeting and family life. If you want to do one of these, you choose your own topic and we talk for an hour. The cost is $75.

    The deadline for booking your place in a workshop is 6pm, 7 March. Payment deadline is 14 March - please pay at PayPal. My username is @rhondahetzel

    Thanks everyone. 🙂



  1. The photo with the steam is impressive!
    Interesting topics for the workshops you will create.
    I wish you success!

  2. Hi Rhonda, Those one on one sessions sound fantastic. You are such an excellent teacher. I am doing everything that you have taught us, every day. I am even able to bake and enjoy homemade bread, without it causing any arthritic pain, like it used to… This lifestyle has given me financial peace and security in retirement. Growing food in California has been especially rewarding. Thanks again…

    1. Thanks Stephanie. I'm so pleased you gained a lot from the workshop you did. We had fun doing it too!


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