19 February 2025

Simple life workshops on Zoom UPDATED

I've added more topics to the list.

This post is for those readers who expressed interest in doing online Zoom workshops or who want to register now. The topics haven't been chosen yet but potential topics are: 

  • vegetable gardening and composting;
  • starting a vegetable garden and choosing vegetables suitable for a beginner; 
  • cutting costs in the home, housework and routines;
  • homemade laundry liquid and powder, soaking, stain removal and washing clothes and household linens;
  • cooking from scratch and building your pantry to help you do it;
  • homemade bread - white, rye, wholemeal and ancient grains. I'm not doing sourdough;
  • living on less than you earn and developing a frugal mindset.

If you have suggestions for other topics, please send them in your return email. I'm happy to consider all simple life topics that might appeal to nine other people as well.

I've been asked by a couple of ladies if I would do one-on-one sessions as well. Yes, I will. These would be a 60 minute Zoom session with just you and me to focus on your hopes, plans or changes and how to implement them, OR particular problems you may be facing. This would cost $75 per session.

Most of you know I'm doing these workshops so I can eliminate fall hazards on my front verandah. Originally I thought it would cost around $2000 but now I've looked into it, it will be much more. Apparently that's due to the high cost and scarcity of building material since Covid. So I'll probably repeat these workshops again later in the year. 

I'm glad I have readers who want to learn more from me because I'll be turning 77 in a few weeks time and apart from writing more books (which I don't have the energy for) there are very few ways for us older folks to earn money. So thank you, I'm grateful to you all.

The cost is $75 per workshop and I'll tell you the payment details when I reply to your email. I expect the workshops to start in mid-March.  Deadline for registration is 8 March, payment deadline is 15 March.

The workshops can be recorded by you with my permission but I still own the copyright. So you can watch the recorded workshops as often as you like but they're not to be given to others or sold.  There is a "record" button in the Zoom room, 


Tell me which workshop you want to register for, you may register for as many as you like. There will be a limit of 10 people in each workshop so everyone will have a chance to talk.

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