10 August 2024

I always smile when I see my garden from the kitchen window

It’s Gracie’s birthday today, she’s eight years old. I gave her a bath this afternoon so she’s not really talking to me but she’ll get over it soon because I bought BBQ chicken for her birthday lunch. She’s a wonderful companion and I’m glad we found each other.

I'll brush her soon.

I’m taking a break away from the internet. I’ve been holding on by a thin strand for the past couple of weeks and now is a good time to go. My sister, Tricia, is coming for a visit next week and we’ve got a lot of catching up to do. I’ve planned family dinners, picnics, fish and chips on the beach and we’re both going to be researching our family tree. I’ve been doing it on and off since 1980, when Shane was born. It was then I realised I was part of a long chain of family members and not a solo individual. Ancestry.com makes the process very easy now - as opposed to the very slow searching of microfiche and waiting for letters of enquiry to be delivered and returned. This is important information that we both want to pass on to our grandchildren before it’s too late.

In this little flower pot I have mainly foxgloves (my favourite flower) as well as Queen Anne's Lace, snapdragons and violets. I have two big pots of foxgloves which survived two years of neglect, and in this pot I have large foxgloves, mini foxgloves and I noticed the seeds germinating as well. Rest assured, there'll not be a shortage of foxgloves.

I promised you some photos of the garden when it was finished. It’s not finished and it will be one of those gardens that never is. It will change due to the heat of summer, the requirements of shade, the botanical look and feel I want and budget constraints. As I don’t have unlimited money to buy what I want, I’ve invested in mostly long-term, hardy plants such as roses, foxgloves and salvias. I know all of them will grow well here, even during summer. I’ve also planted Buddleia (butterfly bush), Gaura, Lavender, Violets, Queen Anne’s Lace, Snapdragons, Alyssum. Most of the roses are old English heirloom roses and I have one two climbing roses and three Cecile Brunner climbing roses.

The budget constraints I mentioned above have led me to a good way to stop my spending. I am one of those gardeners who WILL buy what I love unless I make some rules for myself. So I’ve decided I can buy the plants I want but I’m not allowed to buy anymore pots. I have two plastic pots which I dislike so when the terracotta and ceramic pots are all full, that’s it …… until one becomes available if a plant dies. 😎 I think I have four terracotta pots in the bush house. But overall I’m happy with the garden. It’s not the garden I once had but it’s enough for me. This afternoon, Kerry is coming over to help me in the garden with a couple of things I can’t do and then it will be watering, weeding, cutting flowers, pruning and fertilising from then on. I’m glad I have a garden again. I always smile when I see it from the kitchen window.

I’m not sure when I’ll return but when I do I’ve have the names of the roses for you, along with photos taken in the next few weeks. Take care. xx



  1. Those eight years have gone by so quickly! Gracie is such a cute little girl. I did a DNA test through Ancestry.com found out my Mum's Great-grandfather was a convict! Beautiful photos of your garden x

    1. The DNA tests are fabulous! It's great when you have a convict in your ancestry because they're is so much information about them, including what they looked like. I have discovered four convicts so far. I'm not sure what that says about my family. LOL!

    2. This should not surprise you. Australia was a penal colony. Most of the settlers there were convicts, but it was easy to get into trouble back then! Almost everything was against the law. I have them in my family too. When you consider how hard it was for the poor, it is quite understandable.

  2. Have a lovely break and enjoy the time together with your sister Rhonda. I love your garden just the way it is!

  3. What a great self imposed limit on your plant and pot buying Rhonda. I too have a weakness for buying plants. We have a very small plot now but I still manage to bring the odd plant in 😊🌱 I love your plant choices. I shouldn't encourage you but have you seen the Jane Hogben pottery with foxgloves on it? It's so pretty. Have a wonderful time with your sister and family. Thank you for holding on by a small thread with your blog. Your posts are always enjoyed. NZ Ingrid

    1. Thanks Ingrid.I have two of Jane Hogben's mugs - one with the foxglove and one with a Scotty.

  4. Enjoy your visit with your sister! Your flower garden is lovely. I've always loved fox gloves but have read they are highly poisonous for dogs. Have you heard this too? Just curious. I enjoy your posts whenever you can fit them in!

    1. Foxgloves are poisonous to all mammals, including humans. It's where they get the heart drug Digitalis. Gracie never chews anything in the garden, thank goodness.

  5. Your garden is looking just lovely Rhonda, so many colours. No wonder it brings a smile!
    Enjoy your time with Tricia. I hope she’s well and that you both have a wonderful spell together.
    Family time is the best!
    Wendy 💗

  6. Happy Birthday, Gracie 🎂🎂🎂 You are such a sweetie and I hope you look after Rhonda and Tricia. Chel

  7. Your pots are beautiful. I love seeing colour in the garden in winter

  8. Happy Birthday Gracie!! Have a good time with your sister. Enjoy it all. My older sister passed away 2 years ago and I miss her.

  9. Enjoy your time with your sister and Gracie! Your garden is so lovely.

  10. I remember when you hinted that you were getting Gracie! Time flies! Great idea to limit the number of pots you use. Gardening should be fun but it isn't if it is too big. So limits are a good idea. This fall, I am replacing my vegetable/flower patch with grass for a small girl who visits regularly. She is providing me with garden limits, and I am fine with that. I also got rid of most of my houseplants. ( A few to go), We were allergic to something in the potting soil and are better off without them. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your sister. Take care. Dee/NY

  11. Have a wonderful time Rhonda. Your garden looks wonderful. Warm wishes from The Netherlands
    Monique Elisabeth

  12. Happy Birthday Gracie - can't believe you are 8 already! It's lovely to see your new garden emerge Rhonda, and it will be fun to see how it evolves. Have a nice break from the interet and a great time with your sister and the rest of your family!! Beth in MN

  13. Wishing you a lovely time with your sister Rhonda. We will be here when you return - take your time & enjoy the special time together. Happy Birthday to sweet Gracie - I remember when you first bought her home with you. Your garden looks lovely - we are still in winter mode here so not alot of flowers yet though I have some daffodils blooming & they are so cheery.

  14. Enjoy the rest with your sister Rhonda and we look forward to hearing all about your time together when you return to online life

  15. Time for a good rest Rhonda. Look forward to your return. I was thinking of you the other day when I was making up yet another batch of liquid laundry detergent. That's not the only time I think of you, but it is guaranteed during that task. I'm just coming up and out of a slump so I know that you need a break. I lost my dog, my cat and my best friend in the last twelve months and I didn't think I'd ever smile again. But, up and at em, I'm back. New grandchild due later this month so plenty of cuddles and love coming up. Take care, cheers Maureen O'R and KOR sends his regards. xx

  16. Have a great time with your sister, family is everything. The flowers are looking lovely it's so nice you can still have a small garden to bring you joy. Enjoy your time away from the internet. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  17. Happy Birthday Gracie! Love your garden! Happy break and will patiently wait for your return! Pat/From the Great State of Texas!

  18. My garden makes me smile, too. I bought three of those Cecile Brunner roses that you mentioned, and I absolutely love them. They can handle the heat, have beautiful tiny pink blooms, and I can grow them in pots. That way I can place them in the sun, and they don't struggle in the shady forest. How sweet for Gracie to have a birthday treat. This morning my Belgian Shepherd mix turned his nose up at his dog food and motioned his head towards the baked chicken I had on the stove! I had given him some of it yesterday. It was really funny. He was so clear. I did not give him any more...we'll see if he eats his dinner.

  19. Have a lovely break with your sister and family , will look forward to reading your posts when you return .

  20. Happy birthday Gracie! 🎉❤️🐾🎁🎈🎂
    Enjoy your break with your sister, Rhonda 😎🏖️🩴🦀🐚

  21. I love reading what you write, so I hope you at least pop in every now and then. I wish you and Gracie well.

  22. Wishing you happy times in the garden and with your sister and family, Margot xx

  23. Have a lovely break with your sister! I started growing salvias because of you 😊 I really like them. Gracie is such a sweetie...hope she liked the chicken! Enjoy your Spring x

  24. I just found your blog. Loved your comment about Gracie getting a bath and “not talking to you” now. LOL! She’s got that “look”! I too love looking out my windows at my yard and gardens. Lots of rabbits this summer taking bites instead of looks though. Not happy about that!


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