1 August 2024

Just a word about oranges and some photos

Just a quick blog to let you know about these oranges and to show some recent photos.  I hope you’re having a good week.

I bought a 3 kg bag of “half time” oranges at Woolworths this week, they were $6.95. Their oranges are usually pretty average but these are the best oranges I’ve bought from any supermarket. Get some if you can. I doubt you’ll have any left after a few days. Shane and his kids are visiting on Saturday so I think I’ll pop over to Woolies to get another bag for them to take home.  I mainly used mine for cordial and I’ve eaten a couple. They’re really delicious!

There are a lot of kookaburras calling the backyard their home. I think there are two families of them in this area. They all seem to get on well and they’re a fantastic bird for eating mice, small snakes and lizards <— not so good. This young pair, probably brothers, visited me during the week and sat in the tree for a couple of hours.

I made soy and honey pork with vegetables the other day for lunch. I wish I’d made rice to go with it but when I thought of it, it was too late.  Next time …

This is the You Tube guide I followed for the pork dish. I also used the vegetables I had in the fridge.

And last, this little vase of hawthorn flowers which grow in my front garden. They last a couple of weeks in a vase and I always like having them in the house. Simple pleasures. 



  1. Those hawthorn flowers are so pretty!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing. Love your posts!

  3. Hello Rhonda ... gosh that soy & honey pork dish you made looks so delicious - I may have to get some pork & try this. The hawthorn flowers look so pretty - I have just picked a few daff's to brighten things up inside here. I agree - its all about the simple pleasures. Have a lovely weekend Rhonda. 😊

    1. Hi Julie. The pork and honey dish is delicious. I hope you have a good weekend too. xx

  4. That pork dish looks delicious....

  5. Love your flowers. Very pretty!

  6. I would love that pork recipe please

    1. I added the link a few days ago but it's disappeared. The link is in the post now.

  7. Beautiful flowers 🌸 I always enjoy reading your updates and reminders about the simple pleasures of life.

  8. What beautiful birds! I have never seen them. I planted four rose bushes in my forest garden. They look so pretty with the huge Jeffrey Pines and California Oaks as a backdrop. Those oranges sound fantastic. I know you grow oranges, too. We have several woodpeckers flying from tree to tree...I love to watch them. They have their babies here every year.

  9. The hawthorn blooms are lovely

  10. Hello Rhonda, I don't usually buy fruit from Woolies but I bought a bag of Half-Time to try. They are delicious oranges so I will be getting more! By the way, I love all your lovely posts, not just this one. Thanks, Colette

  11. I salivate whenever I see oranges, Rhonda, but they are my worst migraine trigger. Sob. That hawthorn cutting is gorgeous!!

  12. I always have some cooked rice in the freezer. A quick blast in the microwave and its ready.

  13. Love soy and honey! I always add a dash of lemon to the mix...
    Donna in Texas

  14. Hi Rhonda, I have loved reading your book, probably 5 times now and just starting again. My wife and i are just entering the retirement phase, with the challenge of a mortgage, but i will be putting into practice many of your ideas. The hawthorn looks amazing, and isn't it wonderful when the kookaburras visit. Regards Kim, Bundaberg


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