I've been made aware over the past couple of weeks that quite a few of you like my recipes (thank you), so here's another one. It's a zucchini slice, which we had for lunch yesterday and will finish off today. It's very tasty, thrifty and easy and it can be eaten hot or cold, so it's ideal to add to a lunchbox for work or school.
24 April 2020
20 April 2020
Making plans for a better future
One day we'll be able to look back on today and remember a strange and dangerous time when we were told to stay at home as much as possible. Once busy streets and highways were empty, schools, universities, shops, cafes, restaurants and hotels were closed, planes stopped flying, jobs were lost, millions of people went on welfare and the lucky ones were supported by their governments to keep food on the table and a roof over as many heads as possible. And then we started hearing about people dying. I had to stop watching news reports of the deaths because it made me feel helpless and weak.
17 April 2020
Weekend reading
Thank you for the birthday wishes sent my way during the week. I truly appreciate every one of them. Since then I've been working in the garden, cooking a meal at noon each day, keeping on top of the cleaning and dealing with odds and ends as they pop up. Two of them were me cutting Hanno's hair and Hanno cutting Gracie's hair and brushing her with a brush that takes out her undercoat.
Birthday flowers.
15 April 2020
Yet another birthday
It's my birthday today, number 72. I usually make a song and dance about my birthday, both here and in real life, but this year I'm much more laid back. This year I'll make a short note here, we'll have a grazing lunch of entrees from the local pub - Mooloolaba coconut prawns, crispy pork belly pieces with chilli sauce, chicken satay and Thai fish cakes and then spend much of the afternoon outside. There'll be the usual phone calls, no gifts as per my wish and I'll go to bed a happy woman.
13 April 2020
Koalas return to their homes
I have a good news update on the Blue Mountains koalas we supported with our sewing during the devastating fires in December last year. They've been brought back to their home territory which, after recent rain, now has enough new growth eucalyptus to support them. They'll be monitored via radio-tracking to make sure they settle in well and continue to thrive.
It's estimated up to 10,000 koalas, which is a third of the total koala population of NSW, may have died in the fires. These Blue Mountains koalas have high levels of genetic diversity which makes them very important for the survival of the species. They're one of only two koala populations in NSW that are free from chlamydia. The group was returned to their original territory with a new joey in one of the koalas' pouches. Hopefully, that is a good sign for their future.
10 April 2020
Weekend reading
You might have noticed I've been quiet for a couple of weeks. I've been sick (not COVID-19) and uninterested in doing anything. All I did was make the bed, cook a daily meal and after that, I was either asleep or sitting. I'm finishing off some antibiotics today and I'm pleased to tell you that I started feeling better a couple of days ago and now I'm on the verge of being back to my normal self.
3 April 2020
Weekend reading
I'm still working on my Miss Marple Scarf - this time while watching Gardeners' World.
We haven't had such a good week here. Hanno's been fighting hiccups and then was knocked out by the medication the doctor prescribed. Neither of us has had a good night's sleep for ages so we don't have any energy the following day. The good news is that the medication has worked and Hanno has another phone consultation with his doctor today. All the practicalities are taken care of, we're getting our groceries from Woolworths delivery and Sunny is buying our meat. Overall we don't have anything to complain about. We're both content being here but we both wish we had more energy to do what we want to do ... gardening.
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