8 July 2016

Weekend reading

Winter in the chicken coop.
I thought the bathroom would be finished today but it's still rambling on. Life is pretty busy with trades people coming and going and the house is a mess with a lot of dust around. I'm looking forward to it all being finished, clean and back to normal. I hope things are going to plan in your world.

Thanks for your visits during the week and for the emails you send. I can't answer all of them but do what I have time for.  I hope you have a lovely weekend. I'll see you again next week.

♥︎ = ♥︎ = ♥︎

How to make a Swedish flame  
Years ago I use to visit Little Jenny Wren's blog almost every day. Then I got really busy and many of my favourite blogs dropped off my list.  I was drawn back to Jenny's blog during the week because I have a Jenny doll and I'm thinking about giving her to my grand daughter. When I visited, I was delighted to see Jenny's blog still going strong and that she's now offering doll making classes. There is one coming up in Melbourne later in the year so if you want a place, check out her blog for the details.
If you love good yarn/wool and animals, you'll love this: Woolful
How to make a sandwich for a crowd
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