28 May 2014

Photos from the edge

We had a wonderful time at the Coolum Beach library yesterday with lots of enthusiasm and plenty of questions from the people who came along.  Today I'm at Caloundra, at this end of the coast, and I'm looking forward to it very much. Such beautiful people come along to the talks, it's a pleasure to be there.

I didn't have the will to start writing a post when I came home yesterday but I've got a few photos taken in the last three weeks that I want to share with you so I thought now is the ideal time to do that.  So, in no particular order ...

Early morning in the backyard.

Bluebell, one of our blue Australorpes, in her black winter stockings.

The beautiful hand-embroidered, vintage tablecloth given to me as a birthday gift by my friend Kathleen.

 Filling the biscuit jar - these are chocolate chip and nut.

Sausage rolls - a homemade weekend treat.

Spanish omelette, baked in the oven.

 A backyard harvest a few days ago.

Have a lovely day. I'll see you soon!



  1. looks like I need some of these recipes! :)

  2. The picture of the peppers is lovely. Would you be sharing those. Prepared, of course!

  3. I've been looking for a beautiful vintage cloth for ages, yours is wonderful.

    Those photos make me want to start baking!

    Have a beautiful day, Madeleine.x

  4. Hi Rhonda, was so looking forward to seeing you at one of your talks; but due to health reasons unable to attend. Have purchased your wonderful "Down to Earth" book instead ... not quite the same I'm sure ... thanks for sharing the lovely photos ... you are a great inspiration.

    1. I'm sorry to read you're not well. I hope you feel better soon.

  5. Oh my Ronda Jean....Just found you, what a delightful blog!!! I will visit you again, soon :)


  6. What lovely morning sun in your backyard! Your harvest looks like a picture from a magazine :)

  7. Those sausage rolls look delish, do you use a short crust pastry? Enjoy your Library talks, it's rewarding teaching/sharing isn't it :)

  8. Beautiful photos as usual, Rhonda! I guess in your next post we're all looking forward to your recepies.
    May I ask why you harvest the tomatoes while they're still green?
    Have a nice day!

  9. I'm visiting my Aussie daughter and we just returned from 10 days at beautiful Caloundra. I was so hoping to attend one of your presentations while I'm here, but it's not working out. Thanks for all you share with others.

  10. Lovely photos Rhonda, funny how the embroidered table cloth has red in it.
    Sausage rolls & Spanish omelette look yum. Funny how some food as Spanish omelettes look & taste so much better than if you say what you are cooking!

  11. Wonderful pictures Rhonda ! The food looks so delicious. I love sausage rolls. Here in The Netherlands we call them saucijzenbroodjes ; ) We've got worstenbroodjes too, but they are made with white bread dough.
    That omelet looks delicious too. I never tried an omelet from the oven, that is a great idea.
    Have a wonderful day.

  12. also hoping for some of these recipes, everything looks so yummy

  13. Rhonda I hope you share the recipe for the Spinach Omelet as I have lots growing. I love vintage tablecloths too and yours is beautiful. Those chooks take the prize. Their color is amazing. Can you tell I am a little chook crazy...lol. Your biscuits are making my mouth water and sometimes a post of photos is good now and then.

  14. Love all the pictures, but especially the food ones :)

  15. hi
    lovely blog
    where can i find these recipes
    keep up the lovely work

  16. I definitely need these recipes! They look yummy. My garden just got planted today but I also get a CSA share that I picked up yesterday. Greenhouses and hoop houses certainly make a difference. It has been a late spring in central Pennsylvania.

  17. Could you post your Oven Baked Spanish Omelette Recipe please Rhonda. If only we had Smell-O-Vision.

  18. another call for the recipe for Oven Baked Spanish Omelette - it looks amazing :)

  19. I was introduced to you by a blogging friend when she reviewed The Simple Life on her blog. I downloaded that on the Kindle and read it. Upon finishing that I promptly went to the computer and downloaded Down to Earth! :) I'm not quite finished with it yet, but love the whole concept immensely. I've also had two blogging friends who told me that they read your blog on a regular basis...so now I've bookmarked you!

    Your pictures are so nice. The further I went down the page the hungrier I got! :) Those sausage rolls look amazing, as does the Spanish Omelet that is done in the oven!


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