21 February 2014

Weekend reading

If you're living in Brisbane, keep in touch with Roman and Jana (West End) at their blog Spurtopia because they're doing free workshops throughout the year. This young couple were featured on Gardening Australia last year. Click on their workshops tab for more information. The next workshop is 2 March at 2pm - Sustainable Living in a Rental Property - fee by donation, bookings essential. 

Weekend reading ...
Fashion - the most hyper-capitalist business
Knitting sheaths, to help the busy knitter
The surprising healing qualities of dirt
Washing up - a philosophical meander
Chemical leaching into food from packaging
Water harvesting is booming in these West Virginnia towns
Competing joys
Traditional farmhouse butter - You Tube - it's a bit gloomy and stern in places but see it through. I found it delightful and particularly liked the family having breakfast of homemade, buttered fruit loaf with their cups of tea. This is a genuine look at a family still living a traditional life back in 1970.

Introducing ...
Grass stained me.  this is made me smile
Homegrown family life
Wolf it down

I hope you enjoy your weekend as much as we'll enjoy ours. Shane and Sarndra are going to a concert and we've been asked to care for Alex on Saturday night. They arrive tonight. It looks like a visit to Steve Irwin's zoo is on the agenda - it's just a few minutes down the road from us. Enjoy what you do and take some time to think about this beautiful life we're all living.



  1. Have just watched the traditional farmhouse butter clip...What a joy! Thanks for the link.

  2. Rhonda how lovely for you to be minding Alex as you must be missing Jamie so much. Enjoy your weekend and have fun at Australia Zoo!

  3. Oh man, I really want some bread and butter now! Xxxx

  4. Oh thank you for that link - I so enjoyed their little piece on Gardening Australia. Unfortunately I live too far away for their workshops, but it would be nice to follow thier blog. Your chook has a very wierd hairstyle - looks a bit like me some days when I first wake up! :)

  5. Goodness me there was a lot of salt in that butter! And an lot of buttermilk left in it too. Just as well it's a cool climate.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing my link. I came over to read you latest post and was touched and surprised. I feel a bit like I just won a prize. As if your writing and photos weren't endearing enough, thanks for spreading the love. Warmly, marian rose

  7. Thanks for the link Rhonda, Such an inspiring, practical and ingenious couple. Excited to be able to read a bit more, thanks again.

  8. Oh wow! Thanks Rhonda for adding my blog onto your links. I was wondering where all of the traffic came from on my little blog! Enjoy your weekend!

  9. The butter making clip was fascinating and now I want to see more of that series!! I just read they are making a contemporary version, focusing on old time artisans surviving in a modern world.

  10. I love the butter making, I as a child tried my hand at the very same thing but it was a handle we had to turn , it had to be evenly done or the butter would not come out right, then we had little paddles and we had to pat it till it was the right shape, Thank you Rhonda.... so many happy memories of life on the farm . I remember the first time I tasted milk straight from the cow... My Aunt squirted my face and the milk was warm ! My Mother's cousin used to come in after milking and he sat down to a huge bowl of porridge , cream in one bowl and porridge in the other first one spoonful of cream the a spoonful of porridge! This all happened in Scotland many ,many years ago !

    1. Such lovely memories for you Margaret. Thanks for sharing them with us. :- )


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