14 February 2014

Weekend reading

Bread and butter cucumbers.

Another week put to bed and now the weekend looms. I hope you take enough time over the next few days to rest and allow your stresses to float away. We all need to be ready and able for our work next week. Invest in yourself and your future work by resting enough to do it well.

How to save money on your food shopping - Jack Monroe
Fake food in UK
Wartime Farm - You Tube, six episodes one hour each.
Traditional crafts
How to make a besom broom and here is an associated video
Whole Larder Love veg boxes - if you're in Melbourne and wanting to buy fresh veg from a farmer, this is your link. Organic pork also available.
Why I'm bored with superfoods
The daily routines of famous writers

Mindfully Making - have a look at the great outdoor oven Leanne's DH made.
Greening the Rose



  1. Hi Rhonda, thank you so much for putting me in your Weekend Reading list, I feel very privileged:)

    I hope that people enjoy seeing the journey of the wood fired oven.

    Have a great day, Lxx

  2. Rhonda, I hope you and Hanno have a relaxing weekend too. I was looking at Leanne's great new blog the other day and was admiring that oven her hubby is making. I don't think those ovens were around when we were young! Aren't they great?

  3. Ah, the wartime farm, very good BBC production I believe? Some 20years ago or more, the BBC made a series called, 'The Victorian Kitchen' and then another series called, 'The Wartime Kitchen and Garden'. I have the books of the series, and would not want to go all the way back and live like that but, they have some good advice in them!

  4. Thanks so much for adding my CheapCooking blog to your weekend reading list!

  5. I found some interesting items on your weekend reading links today. The Fake food in U.K. was frightening; but I doubt/hope it isn't that bad in Australia!
    The item on traditional crafts grabbed my attention by listing Calligraphy in the five crafts mentioned. I've been doing calligraphy as a hobby for years, and it is so relaxing, as well as appreciated by most of the recipients.

  6. Thank you for another lovely week of posts. I genuinely think of your blog as a lovely, comforting cup of tea - it makes me feel all snuggly (especially nice at the moment with the storms we're having!). I'm looking forward to the launch of your ebooks so us UKers can get hold of them!


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