7 February 2014

Weekend reading

We have friends visiting at the moment and have the joy of little feet in the house again. I hope you have joy in your life today as well. Thanks for visiting this week and thanks for your comments. The contact with folk near and far keeps the blog a changing feast for me. Stay safe.  xxx

Here is some Airedale cuteness for you - these are Jens and Cathy's dogs - Matilda when she was a puppy and Koda.

The elders of organic farming
Nearly half of America lives paycheck to paycheck
Maria Montessori's lists of age appropriate chores for children - Facebook
My Rose Valley
Hosting a craft swap party
Warrigal greens - Australian native spinach
10 vegetables and herbs you can eat and regrow
Homestead yields and cost analysis @ Reformation Acres

Simply Crafty Life
The Provincial Homemaker


  1. Hi Rhonda, thank you so much for mentioning my blog. I hope you have a lovely weekend!

  2. How exciting for me to be able to welcome your readers to my blog! Thank you, Rhonda. I've pulled out my good teapot for the occasion. :)

    1. HA! I'll have mine black with one. Thank you. xx

  3. Rhonda, have a lovely weekend and enjoy the little one.

  4. Airedale cuteness indeed! Thank you for sharing so much of your wisdom with your readers!

  5. I was excited to read the NY Times article on the elders of organic farming. I am Canadian and was visiting my daughter in California for an extended stay (she just made me a grandma!) when I decided to take a workshop on permaculture at Esalen which I had known about for years and wanted to visit. The setting and workshop were beyond my expectations. What a delightful surprise when I noticed Eliot Coleman and his wife Barbara wandering in the beautiful extensive organic gardens. I recognized them from their TV show in the 90s about organic gardening in northern climates (they are from Maine) and from his numerous books (some are on my bookshelf). They were part of a gathering of elder organic farmers sharing their knowledge and expertise to pass down as well as acknowledging the challenges of young organic farmers. I had the unexpected delight of having coffee with Barbara the next morning. I look forward to the book by Michael Ableman of Salt Spring Island, BC (one of my favorite places) and the documentary by Jerry Garcia's widow Deborah of this gathering of agrarian elders and the wisdom shared at this event. I am grateful for Esalen, as well Rhonda, for your blog, which both are magical places where like minded people gather.

    1. Congratulations on being a grandma. I hope the baby and family are fine. How wonderful that you had coffee with Barbara. I looked up Deborah Garcia's documentary; there are pieces of it on You Tube. It looks very interesting.

  6. Happy weekend Rhonda! We're spending the weekend watching the River Cottage Australia DVD we borrowed from the library. It's an entertaining, albeit extreme, take on the simple life. My daughter asked about your name -- she saw me browsing your blog and i told her you've got chooks in your house just like Paul (West).

    1. I watched that on you tube and thoroughly enjoyed it. I wonder if they're going to continue the series or if that is a one off.

  7. I was able to follow one of the links you suggested for your book here in America. Your book arrived yesterday!!! It's resonates so deeply with me! Thank you for writing it!

    1. I'm pleased you found it Miranda. I hope you enjoy it. When you finish it, let me know what you think of it. xx

  8. What a darling photo :) Thanks for sharing.



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