12 April 2013

Weekend reading

Hello everyone! Well, I'm over it, finally, after eight days. The last few days I've tried eating but it made me sick again. Yesterday I had three small meals and I'm still feeling fine. I also feel stronger and less confused. For a few days there I didn't know if I was Arthur or Martha. I can hear Hanno sneezing in the other room as I type this so our roles may be reversed today. And yes, I will take it slow and look after myself. ; - )

It looks like I have two spaces left at the Saturday workshop. If you'd like to go, please email me as soon as you can and I'll put your name down. The cost is $195, which includes lunch and all day refreshments. I'll be sending out an email today to everyone who has booked.

And finally, I hope to have the Down to Earth forum back online very soon, hopefully today. I'll leave the link to the new address here as soon as I can. I hope you'll drop by to see the changes in our new setting.

x x x ♥ x x x

Prairie Flower way of life - You Tube

Thrift at Home

I was going to link to Mark's chicken retirement home post but this entire blog is full of common sense, as well as sense that is not so common, so please take the time to read Kate's Purple Pear Farm at your leisure.

In Australia, home loans have doubled in 10 years

Six ideas for sensible homes

Homegrown Org


Taylormade Ranch

Miss Adelaide

Out of the Mixing Bowl



  1. Thank goodness you are feeling better! I hope Hanno avoids the lurgy. And yes, wasn't the chook tractor post fantastic!

  2. You really sound so much better Rhonda - very good but don't overdo things!
    Hope Hanno is ok.
    Have a good weekend.

  3. Rhonda your health report is the best news I have heard in a while! I hope Hanno is just sneezing at a bit of pollen.

  4. Hi Rhonda. Glad to hear you are back on top of it. Thanks for the thoughtful words and link to my blog. Having you endorse what we are doing here means a lot to me!

  5. Hi Rhonda so glad your much better these things hang around for a while hope Hanno is ok have a great weekend

    Linda Ann

  6. Glad you're feeling better and hoping Hanno isn't going to suffer the same. Love the weekend links and I'm already a Purple Pear farm follower!

  7. I'm pleased to hear you're feeling better - have a good weekend!

  8. I am having so much trouble commenting but I do want to say how glad I am you are feeling better. I finally have decent internet back and can't wait for the forum to come back on. Your efforts are truly appreciated. Thank you and the Mod squad for such an uplifting and inspiring blog and forum.

  9. This is on a totally different subject.
    I was thrilled to read this week that Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall of River Cottage fame has now appointed an Australian ,Paul West, to be his Australian River Cottage "Hugh"
    The Australia River Cottage has already begun to be produced and is near Tilba in NSW
    I am excited as we will be able to travel to Australia to visit the new River Cottage. Much cheaper than going to England which was our original plan :-)
    Karen - NZ

  10. Glad to hear you are feeling well again, Rhonda. Just hope Hanno is not going down the same path.

  11. So very glad to hear you are feeling better, Rhonda. What an awful illness. Hope your weekend is going well.

  12. So glad to read that you are feeling better but am sorry to read that Hano may be coming down with it now as well. Scott had type A flu a few months back and we were so glad Tami-Flu is available and works GREAT if you get tested for the flu early and get started on Tami-Flu ASAP.

  13. Oh Rhonda, good to hear you're on the mend, and as above, hope that Hanno has not picked up the same bug - whatever it was. I had my life severely disrupted for a short week with a mystery bug that left me weak and exhausted - cam e and went and none the wiser; seems there are lots of strange bugs going about! Take it easy, eh? We never think about 'convalescence' these days, do we, we are either at death's door or raring to go again. Lx

  14. i think all of the kitchens are wonderful...
    Modular Kitchen Collection


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