30 November 2012

Weekend reading

Adaptive shopping - watch out, they know where you click

Unhappiest people not always the most deprived


Busy mum of 3 Have a look at the clever way she is filling the kids' pool.

Greenhaven Hello Linda! I met Linda when I was doing my book tour.

Flowerlady - there is some beautiful embroidery here.

I've been looking forward to this time of year, when I look at my calendar and there is nothing booked for weeks. No appointments, no reminders - nothing but the freedom to choose whatever I want to do. It's a good feeling after this very busy year. Mind you, I'm in the middle of a writing project so that will take up a lot of my time but it's nothing close to the pressure of the months just passed. I'm looking forward to a quiet and productive weekend. I hope you have the same or complete relaxation. Thank you for your visits here this week. I'll see you again on Monday.


  1. Well hello Rhonda. You've given me two surprises today! Firstly I was shocked to see your weekend reading post. It can't be Friday! Where did the week go? And secondly, a mention from you! Thank you! I have loved owning your book btw. I now make ice cream regularly much to the children's delight (sometimes with home made condensed milk, and just yesterday I finished my first waffle weave dish cloth. Thanks for being an inspiration.

  2. Rhonda, the article about cooking pasta is fascinating!! I thank you for sharing it. :)

  3. Hi Rhonda! I really enjoy your Weekend Reading posts. This week I thoroughly enjoyed Richard Heinberg's video. I read his book early in the year. Anyway, it's so comforting to see an expert who seems so positive about all the changes coming our way in the future. Ever since I read The Long Emergency, frankly, I've been scared to death. Richard's backyard is an inspiration and makes me feel hopeful. I think being active and making your life simpler and more self-sufficient makes one more hopeful. Anyway, didn't mean to write a novel but so glad that video came across my radar today. Thank you!

  4. Thank you so much for posting the link to Richard Heinberg's video. It was like music to my ears and reassurance that I am on the right path.

    Change is a coming!

    Rhonda, your blog is food for the soul... x

  5. Wow the Richard Heinberg: why end of growth means more happiness, is really food for thought isn't it. Thank you for putting a link to it. I also enjoyed the link to self sufficency. This is exactly what I do...I have four allotments and I grow most of our vegetable, fruit and salads...I love it

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