7 September 2012

Weekend Reading

Meet Mrs Morley - what a wonderful woman
What is really in eggs from chickens eating grass and green vegetables - Mother Earth.
Tomato Blight and copper 
Looking beyond "organic"
I love the idea of "Greenhorns"
Discovering Waldorf at The Magic Onions

From the comments this week ...
Sharon @ laughing purple goldfish shows us some of her craft work.
Our new life in the country - there is a bit of everything on Sue's blog. Take a look.
Suzanne @ Enchanted Moments has new furniture in the chook house

What a week it's been. Things are settling down for us and although I have two presentations at the Real Food Festival this weekend, the rest of the time I'll be resting, knitting and spending time in the garden. Sarndra and Alex are visiting us today. Hurray!

I hope you have the opportunity of spending time with your loved ones too. Have a  lovely weekend.


  1. Dear Rhonda
    Wishing you a lovely day with your Sarndra and Alex today and a relaxed weekend. Best wishes to Hanno, hope he is feeling stronger every day, Jean, Teneriffe, Brisbane

  2. I hope you have a wonderfully relaxing, uplifting and simple weekend and that Hanno continues to heal well. Take care and thinking of you both. xx

  3. Thank you for your comment regarding the big cans of tomato at Aldi. I went and stocked up yesterday. They are a great size! Have a great weekend.

  4. Maybe check the tomato blight link Rhonda, it's sending me to my own blogger info page.

  5. Hi Rhonda when trying to get into what's in egg from chicken eating grass and stuff it sent me to sign up in google Linda

  6. Same 'blogger' problem with the Mother Earth link above the tomato one, Rhonda. Gremlins...

  7. Hi Rhonda,

    Heading up to the Real Food Festival tomorrow with the family. Should be a fantastic day. The weather has been kind to us.

  8. The links seem to be working now Rhonda, I've just checked the ones mentioned above.

    Thanks for the link to my Blog it's always nice to meet new folks on my page.

    Have a wonderful weekend and love to Hanno, I hope he is resting properly...I know it's hard to keep a good man down. My Lovely Hubby is ALWAYS on the go.

    Sue xx
    Our New Life in the Country

  9. As I sit with my coffee in the early morning quiet preparing for a fun day of teaching delightful children to sew ..... a big thank you to you for the links to a gentle world.

  10. I just read all your blog entries about Hanno's accident. It made me think of a life-and-death emergency my husband went through 5 years ago and I started crying, just reliving that in my mind and knowing what you both were(and are)going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  11. I love the weekend as I really enjoy having time to read the things on your weekend reading.

    Thank you for carrying on posting on your blog, even though you have had a rotten time of it this week. It really is a amazing that you did.


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