29 October 2011

Weekend reading

I only found Mooberry Farm blog this morning, but I wanted to share her homemade clabber with you. Mooberry Farmwife is the mother of eight children, she lives on the family farm with her husband and it looks like she's a very busy and content lady. I'm going to enjoy going back later this afternoon to read some more.

For an interesting peek into a young Australian family's farm life, you'll find that and more at Ivy Nest.

And here is another daughter-in-law - Cathy, who is married to my step son, Jens.  They live close by in the same town we live in. You would have seen Cathy in my photos over the years, now she's started her own blog. Cathy is a quilter and teaches patchwork and quilting in her studio so I'm sure all you quilting ladies will love a peek. 

I'm getting on with my sewing now. I hope you enjoy your weekend.


  1. HI Rhonda,
    Oh, thank you for all the links to the various blogs : :) :) I've been away from blogging for about the last two months. I just started blogging again last Tuesday.

    We had to move from Oregon to California, as a result of the poor economy. We're living in my aunt's house...but it's a blessing because it's a house with a beautiful front and backyard. We're also on the Central California coast, less than a 10 minute drive from the ocean. So I am very happy with the move :) :) :

    Back to the subject. Thanks for the links. I will really enjoy reading all of them :)

    Love and hugs from the ocean shores (formerly from Oregon :), Heather :)

  2. I am so honored that you checked out my blog and liked it and linked to it! I have met many new blog friends because of this.... thanks so much.

    I look forward to looking at the other blogs mentioned and appreciate the suggestions. :)

  3. Ohhhhhhh I always love a new blog to read, and you've given me two!!!
    Your so fantastic :)

  4. Thank you for the links. So far I have looked at Mooberry farm. I hadn't heard anyone mention clabbered milk since my parents died. It is so good to get the word out again on this, Another nice idea was her using the plastic onion bags to make scrubbies. She posted about that on 5-28-11. I enjoyed looking around this blog. When I get more time I will look at the others. Isn't it wonderful to hear so many young families starting out learning to live closer to the earth. Does my heart good. They seem to be really enjoying their families and life. Sarah

  5. I love your blog, it is one of my favorites. Thanks. Also the new ones you mentioned today, went and love them. I believe that they shall become ones I go to lots. Soule mamma is another one. Have you gone to this blog. She is great also

    Thanks once again for all your wonderful teaching.

  6. Hello everyone.

    Jane, I love Amanda's blog and have read it for many years. It's the one constant in my blog reading.

  7. Rhonda-

    You enabler you! Just what I need, and I guess it is because it has come my way, another blog to visit. Have a wonderful weeks end!

  8. Hi Rhonda,
    Thank you for taking the time to share some of the new blogs with your readers. They all have a peaceful sense about them and it seems more and more people are looking for a simpler, self-sustaining, and creative way of life. Thanks for all you do. ~Kari

  9. Great work Rhonda, just read your WW article, fantastic!! I love as society we are slowly heading back to basic and frugality :)

  10. Greetings from the Amish community of Lebanon,Pa.

  11. Hello from Oregon in the Pacific Northwest, Rhonda! Thanks for the links to three great new blogs. I will enjoy checking them out...


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