16 April 2011

We're off soon

A quick note before I pack my computer up for my travels.  Thank you so much for the birthday wishes and all the love sent in comments and emails.  Hanno, Tricia and I had a full and hearty German lunch yesterday, out on a verandah overlooking the magnificent Glasshouse Mountains and the ocean beyond.  Later in the day we went to Jens and Cathy's for drinks and nibbles.  It was the perfect way to spend a birthday.

And a quick hello to Mavis, Rose's mum.  What a delight to see your note, Mavis.  Happy birthday to Diane and North Carolina and to all the other readers celebrating birthdays at this time.

We'll be leaving shortly.  See you soon!  



  1. Happy birthday,bet it was all the sweeter being a grandma now lol and just have a lovely time.

  2. I know you'll have such a relaxing and quality time with your sister Rhonda and come back refreshed. enjoy the crisp evenings and the falling leaves.

  3. safe trip Rhonda & Tricia... I might spot you in a little coffee shop somewhere in the mountains.. a little like celebrity spotting :)

  4. Safe travels and enjoy the cooler weather and the wonderful time you will have with your sister. It is raining down this at the moment so it might be cold and wet.

  5. Rhonda Jean, Belated Happy Birthday! May you have another fantastic and productive year as this one past !! Prayers and best wishes during your travels. Elly from WV

  6. Happy Be-lated B-day -- be safe and thanks for all your info here.. gratefully your.. Kris

  7. Have a wonderful trip! I will miss your posts.

  8. Have a safe and restful journy. Glad you had a beautiful day.
    all the best

  9. Glad you had a wonderful birthday. Enjoy your road trip.

  10. Have a wonderfully safe trip.

  11. Have a wonderful time, I hope to hear from you soon and have a safe journey.

  12. You'll be missed. Have a lovely time and we'll be waiting for you when you return.


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