8 April 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives through these photos and gives us all a new way to discover each other, and maybe form new friendships. Your photo should show something at home that you're thinking about TODAY. If you're in another country you should join in when you read this, even if it's still Thursday.

To take part, all you have to do is post a photo, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here. Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When your photo is published, come back and add a comment below, with a link to your blog photo. Please visit all the blogs that appeal to you and leave a comment. If you are wondering why no one has commented on your On my mind post, maybe it's because you haven't commented on anyone else's. Slow down, take the time to cruise around and enjoy your cyber visits.

Is it any surprise that today I'm still thinking about Jamie?  They will all be here for lunch tomorrow; it will be Jamie's first outing and Tricia will be here.  I'm serving free range roast chicken, potato salad and a fresh garden salad. You all know we're in the middle of passionfruit season here so dessert will be passionfruit cheesecake.  Yesterday I made passionfruit yoyos.  No doubt our visitors will go home armed with enough passionfruit to sink a small battleship. 

Thank you for your visits this week.  I hope your weekend is a beautiful one.


  1. Rhonda, You have a wonderful day planned, holding Jamie! Today "ON MY MIND" is crafing and the definitions of...
    ~~HUGS My Friend~~

  2. How exciting to see your first grandson in your environment....relaxed!

    Today I am homemaking, making laundry detergent and Ravioli.



  3. I am not surprised at all that you're thinking of Jamie! Have a fantastic visit with your loved ones.

    All the best,

  4. On my mind is my granddaughter Ella and you can see a picture of her on my blog here: http://poohsabode.blogspot.com/2011/04/on-my-mind.html

  5. What a special picture...the circle of life. Sounds like a lovely family time. Wish I was there to go antiqueing with you and Tricia. Must be so good to have a sister. Blessings, Caroly Gilbert

  6. awww beautiful photo!! It has captured the love of Hanno for Jamie.


    Love Leanne

  7. Beautiful grandchild and sounds like a delicious feast! On my mind is making beans with my niece and nephew http://theprofessorswife.blogspot.com/2011/04/thursdays-tip-from-green-housewife

  8. On my mind is relaxing with my camera and darling daughter after being home all day with sick boys:) http://vanessa-paris.com/blog/?p=2948

  9. Your grandson is precious! Congratulations to everybody again.

    And on my mind...



  10. oh, thank you so much for sharing! Jamie is too sweet for words!!

    On my mind: saving money on fresh fruit for snacking...

  11. Soapmaking is on my mind today, in particular a batch that didn't go so well.


    Love the photo, congrats on the little one, they're just little miracles aren't they!

    Hugs Cait

  12. Jamie and Hanno have the same haircut!

  13. What a stunning photo of two of your "boys" Rhonda.
    Warm and cosy Afghans are on my mind having just completed one and itching to start another.

  14. Look at the look on your husband's face. So sweet! The baby, too!

  15. Rhonda I have never had passion fruit. Your grandson is so cute. On my mind is wild onions. B


  16. What a lovely lunch you'll have Rhonda, very special with your new addition!

    On my mind, a lovely arvo a few weeks back -

  17. What a delightful photo! Enjoy tomorrow.

    I'm thinking about the seasonal change in light.


  18. Love passionfruit! Finally we have a green fruit. It's taken 3 years to find the right location where it will actually grow.

    On my mind: Easter Hat Parade

  19. Sweet! What a cutie... a treasure for sure.

    On my mind is my garden, spring planting and never getting as much done as I want to.


  20. Congratulations and I'm sure you will have an amazing day tomorrow. He certainly is a little cutey.
    I have just finished an Earth Carers course and the information has really got me thinking.

  21. rhonda, thank you for sharing your most awesome experience of becoming a grandmother ! so thrilled to death for everyone. thanks for all the great advice in all your posts. have a wonderful time with the family tomorrow. please give the new family our best wishes from indiana. God bless you all.

  22. What a blessing! I'm looking forward to being a grandma one day...for now I have quilting on My Mind

  23. What a dear little face Jamie has. Precious one indeed.
    On my mind is nurturing my daughters through exam times.

  24. It's such an exciting time for you Rhonda!!!
    On my mind today is the subject of 'flying' which you raised recently in your blog. For me I'm afraid it's a bit of a guilt trip! :-(

  25. Jamie will grow into one very blessed Man. Hanno looks so in love with him.
    Have a wonderful visit so many firsts will be exsprienced by you all I think.Today I ahve on my mind my imminent move and clearing out of my cupboards.
    Much love to you all

  26. He is so very cute. I can imagine you're still thinking of Jamie !!
    The lunch sounds so very delicious. A passion fruit cheesecake, wow that sounds really exotic. Is the recipe of the cake somewhere on your blog ??
    Have a great day and a lovely lunch !!
    Hugs from The Netherlands.

  27. He's so cute, it's no wonder that you keep thinking of him!

    On my mind are some more trivial things... http://jantineschimmel.blogspot.com/2011/04/on-my-mind_08.html

  28. Beautiful picture, have a great weekend!

  29. How precious Rhonda and Hanno.

    Apples are on my mind. We leave in 30 minutes for a weekend at an apple farm. We went last year and came home with so many apples and pears...what a delight.


  30. I hope your day is full of blessing. He really is lovely.

    On my mind today is simple living


  31. Sweet Treasure in my Mailbox....

  32. On my mind is "the second blooming" that author Agatha Christie speaks of in this quote from her autobiography. I can sense that time coming soon in my life.

    "I have enjoyed greatly the second blooming that comes when you finish the life of the emotions and of personal relations; and suddenly you find--at the age of fifty, say--that a whole new life has opened before you, filled with things you can think about, study, or read about....It is as if a fresh sap of ideas and thoughts was rising in you."

  33. Enjoy that lovely grandson!

  34. What a precious photograph! Passionfruit cheesecake?!? Oh my, that sounds like heaven. Have a wonderful visit.

    On my mind is the anniversary of kicking one of my bad habits...

  35. He really is a beautiful baby. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  36. Oh that Jamie, of course we all expect you to mention the sweetest flower in your garden.

    All joys,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  37. My mind is on my tulips and my dying Maple tree today.


  38. New to your blog and I've delighted with all you have to offer - I'll be back that's for sure!

  39. Congratulations on your gorgeous Grandson.
    We've had my parents visiting our farm for the past few days and I just adore watching them as grandparents to my girls. It is such a wonderful relationship.
    Also, I need to remember to join in with this on a Friday. We've been busy, busy here with the honey collecting and spinning and all the preserving. Its a wonderful time of year.

  40. That is a beautiful pic! I can feel the love Hanno has for Jamie. I also noticed they both have the same haircut. :)


  41. what a beautiful child! I just love being a Grandma!

    I am anticipating the weekend, because I am going to make kitchen curtains, and try to finish up a healing shawl for my Grandma counterpart (my daughter's mother-in-law) who is having a mastectomy in two weeks.



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