28 February 2011

We won a Bloggie!

Well, you could knock me down with a feather.  This blog won best Australian or New Zealand blog in the 2011 Bloggies, announced today in Los Angeles.  Thank you all so much for your votes. I appreciate your support very much.  I'd like to congratulate the other blogs in the category for being nominated:

If you haven't visited these blogs before, I recommend them to you.

I'm still working on my book today, scratching my head and making sure it's all in there because it will be sent to Penguin tomorrow.  Exciting times!  I'll be back with you as normal on Wednesday.



  1. Congratulations. You obviously inspire so many people. I have enjoyed reading your blog posts too. You are so very down to earth, so to speak! I think that is what I enjoy the most. Jacinta

  2. That is simply wonderful! Congratulations. You certainly deserve the attention, for all the heartfelt work you put into this space. I love visiting!

  3. Congrats Rhonda! Enjoy the spotlight and bask in the glow. Good on ya!

  4. Congratulations! You have been rewarded with a physical accolade,
    we are rewarded everytime we read one of your posts. Thankyou for continuing to inspire people everywhere.

    I'm am sooooooo looking forward to your book

  5. Congratulations!!!

  6. Congratulations, it is such a well known blog Rhonda, straight from the heart of wanting all things simple, appealing to so many of us out here in so many ways.........
    Good luck with the finishing off of your book....that is going to be a winner for sure...I cant wait to be able to buy my copy.!!!

  7. Congratulations... a well-earned award!

  8. Fantastic Rhonda! Well deserved. Hope you are celebrating this weekend - a big week all round.

  9. Well done Rhonda! It's very deserving :)

  10. Congratulations! You deserve all the great attention you're getting. Enjoy!!

  11. Congratulations Rhonda, you really deserve it......

  12. Congratulation girl! You have sure earned it. Keep your garden growing and your heart showing.

  13. Congratulations - very well deserved!!!

  14. Terrific news Rhonda -- congratulations. It's nice to be recognised and very well deserved.

  15. Congratulations, and so very well deserved, Hooray :)

  16. Congratulations! You surely deserve an award. You have let everyone into your life and showed how living a simple life is indeed the richest way to live our lives. So, thank you.

    Cheers, Deb

  17. Congratulations, well done!

  18. Did we ever doubt you'd win? Can't wait to buy lots of copies of your book to give away for gifts. It will truely be the gift that keeps on giving if the recipients practice what they read.

  19. Congratulations :D A very deserving award x
    Sami Jae.

  20. You are truly deserving my friend! Congratulations! A book, a bloggie, what wonderful things are happening to you in 2011!


  21. That is terrific, Rhonda. I am very happy for you and looking forward to your book which is sure to be a best seller!

  22. Congrats.. and like Becca said, we didn't really doubt that you would win. You do really have a great blog Rhonda..

  23. Congratulations! All of your work over the last few years has paid off; and it is wonderful that so many people value the information and inspiration that you and Hanno offer. All the best now for the book, which we are all eagerly awaiting!

  24. Woo hoo !!!! Congrats Rhonda!! I can see why you've won I really enjoy your blog!

  25. Congratulations Rhonda!

    I hope I'll find some time tonight to visit the other websites. Thank you for sharing!

    Love from Holland.

    P.S. How is the new mama to be? She must be in her last days now?

  26. Way to go! A Bloggie and a book - how exciting!!

  27. Congratulations from sunny South Africa!!

  28. Congratulations and thoroughly deserved. Thank you Rhonda.

    I was sure about your win as you are an inspiration not only for those in Australia and Newzealand but also for those like me here in India....
    Your blog is something that must read everyday , I am truly inspired...

  30. Congrats Rhonda!!! Totally deserved!
    Lusi x

  31. Congratulations. You deserve the recognition.

  32. Fantastic!!! Congratulations Rhonda - so well deserved.

  33. Congratulations Rhonda, You've worked hard for that. Maa.

  34. Congratulations!! Well, I for one voted for you! Yes, You deserve this award for your many inspiring and informative blogs! Can;t wait for your book to be released! Keep up the great work " just being yourself and living your wonderful simple life!" Elly from WV, USA

  35. Congratulations Rhonda, you are such an inspiration! Looking forward to your posts starting back up. Karen from CT

  36. Congratulations! I think you may be the only person surprised that you won. *chuckles*

  37. Well done, Rhonda! This was a well-deserved award. Please have a cup of tea and take time to savor your accomplishment.

  38. Congratulations!! A very worthy winner if ever there was one xxx

  39. I'm so glad you won!!! I follow your blog bercause even though we are thousands of mile apart(I'm from Michigan,USA) we have the same outlook on life. I'm also your age and really miss the slower life I lived as a child. Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to seeing your book.
    Susan, from the states

  40. So happy for you! We voted for you, and are thrilled that you won. Good luck finishing up your book!

  41. Yes, congratulations indeed and well deserved. How exciting that the book is heading to the publishers, I am sure it will be a smashing success. I look forward to reading your post again.

  42. woo hoo! congrats Rhonda(I voted for you and therefore I'm more than chuffed hehe:)a well deserved award for a lovely lady and blog!

  43. Congratulations! Now, I can hardly wait to read your book!

  44. So glad to hear that you won!! I hope it brings more people to your blog.They can learn so much here,I know I have! Congratulations!!

  45. Well Done!!! Truly deserved.

    Trinidad & Tobago

    Miss You :)

  46. Hooray! A well deserved award for all of your hard work!


  47. I think you've earned this reward Rhonda! Congratulations from France!! and I'm still working on the pincushion to sent it to you! Gerry

  48. YAY Rhonda! You deserve it because your blog rocks and helps so many people.

    Jessica, Sacramento CA US

  49. Congratulations* and well done*

  50. Yea! I am so pleased and happy for you! Rhonda, so many of us already knew that you are the BEST!!!! I tell my husband constantly about you and Hanno and your life there in Australia. Sure looking forward to your book. Blessings, Carolyn Gilbert Florida, USA

  51. I'm not one minute surprised!! Congratulations. Your blog is my very favorite. I mean it whenever I say that you and your words have changed my life...no more debt for my husband and me...saving more...growing more...cooking from scratch more...loving my home more... The list goes on and on. Thanks so very much.

    Diane in North Carolina

  52. Congratulations! Best wishes for the book too! Meegan.

  53. Great news ! You have been an inspiration to my family as I'm sure you are with other , Keep up the excellent blogs I look forward to reading them . Kelly

  54. I'm not surprised a bit - congratulations!

    (and I can't wait for book/baby news :))

  55. Well deserved. Although I don't hardly post I faithfully read. YOu are one of the stapes in my reading as it affirms my stance in life.

    Rhonda - have you guys ever tried the hay bale or straw bale gardening? We can't plant in our ground where we are living and my tomatoes are just too small in pots so I was thinking of giving it a try.

  56. Heartiest congratulations Rhonda, well deserved too.

  57. Congratulations Rhonda, it is truly a well-deserved award.

  58. Congratulations, Rhonda! I am always amazed that I have so much in common with you and the things you write about on a daily basis. I look forward to reading your book.
    Valerie in SC/USA

  59. Congratulations on your well-deserved Bloggie award, and let us know when the book hits the bookstores!

  60. Doing the Happy Dance for you Rhonda. It was a well deserved win and you should be very proud of yourself.

  61. Congrats! that is great news. Glad you won.

  62. Congratulations! Just shows how much your blog is appreciated by your readers as this functions by votes :D.
    Could Hanno or a another friend proofread the book for you as sometimes a writer overlooks minor errors because they already know what it says? The brain does it's own auto-correct much better than a built computer can!
    Your book is already on my wishlist.

  63. Congratulations! A much deserved award. I find your blog so inspiring. Well done, all the best with your book.

  64. Wonderful! And well deserved. I love visiting here. Congratulations!

  65. Oh that is so well deserved, Rhonda! Fantastic work! You are such a consistently great and generous blogger. Huge congratulations to you! x

  66. Wow! Congratulations Rhonda. You deserve it though you really are an inspiration to others, myself included.

  67. Congratulations!!! You really are an inspiration. Glad to hear that your work on the book is really progressing (can' wait to read it). I'm also looking forward to eagering reading the daily blog again. Bev :)

  68. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so very excited for you. Well deserved.

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><

  69. oh, how wonderful!! soo tickled to know that all our votes were heard, because you deserve this win, RJ!

  70. Congratulations! I had no doubt you were a winner! (Reading some of your more recent blogs - catching up, I see that you and I were born in the same year!) It was a very GOOD year :)

  71. Well done Rhonda - well & truly deserved! X

  72. So well deserved. Knew you should win it. Congratulations, and I am so proud to be part of your wonderful blog and forums. Thank you. xx


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