17 February 2011

Dear Everyone

Thank you for your encouraging comments yesterday.  I appreciate them all very much.  It is very heartening to know that something I enjoy so much is helping you live the life you've chosen.  We are all part of a big family, you know, a family that, I think, is growing every week.

Most of you know I'm writing a book based on my blog and I'm in the final stages of the writing.  My deadline is 1 March, just over a week away.  I'll be away from the blog until then so I can concentrate fully during this last week. I still have a bit of writing to do, I need to read the entire book through a couple of times and I have to supply 100 photos.  I have over 20,000 photos here that I have to search through and I'll probably end up taking new photos as well.  I still have a couple of months of editing to do with my Penguin editor, Jo, but I'll be fine blogging while I do that.

These are exciting times for us.  March is not only the time I deliver the manuscript, it's also when our first grandchild will be born.  I wonder if I'll be able to type a post on that day. We'll have to wait and see.

While I'm away I'll still be doing our Friday feature - on my mind, so get your photos ready.  Take care everyone.  I'll be back before you know it.

with love
Rhonda Jean xxx



  1. Good luck with it ALL! I cannot wait to 'meet' this grandbaby of yours. :)

  2. Miss you already. Good luck finishing your book and hope all goes well with the grandbabies.

    See you on the flip side.

  3. Good luck with everything Girl!

    Sandie xx

  4. Hi Rhonda, you blog has really helped me solidify the vague ideas I had in my head about how I wanted to live my life - instead of how I was being told to live my life by mainstream media. Thanks for the clarity and encouragement you provide every day.

    I will probably never be as selfsufficient as you and Hanno but that's okay. You've made many people see that it is okay to be picky about the source of our food and to simpliy our lives.

    Thank you from Alberta Canada

  5. Dear Rhonda,

    good luck with finishing your book. What a great step to take! Wonderful.

    And all the best to the mum and dad to be! I really hope evrything will be going great. At least with a little less tress than I have at this moment. I have only three weeks to go and our little one just wanted to tease us by turning up-side-down! But more about that on my blog - for those who want to read about it.

    Wish them all Gods blessings and I hop eyou all will have great upcoming months!

    Love from Holland.

  6. Hello,

    I try to write in English. I have read your blog and it is very well to read it.

    I have a question. Is it possible to get a place on your bloglist with my blog of Boekenstek

    Then I do the same.

    Greetings from Holland,

    Pleun Jan Heistek

  7. Dear Rhonda, I'm so excited for you and the new book. You have lots of wonderful photos. So I can understand that you 'll have a nice selection to choose from :) :)

    Oh, a March grandbaby is wonderful. I was born in March, so I'm partial :) :)

    Have a lovely week. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  8. Dear Rhonda, March is definitely going to be an exciting month for you.
    You deserve the time to relish in all it's glory, because you are a true inspiration to all of us.
    I wish you all the best.
    Writing a book, wow, such a huge achievement. I can only try to imagine the journey you have taken over the years.

    It truly is a rewarding time for you, You go girl!!!

  9. Hi Rhonda,
    good luck with the book and with the birth of your first grandchild. I hope everything will go great.
    I will be thinking of you.

    Love from The Netherlands

  10. What an exciting time for you & your family! I look forward to someday being able to read your book. Wow! 2,000 pictures! That is a lot to go through.I certainly look forward to seeing pictures of your new grandbabies. Take care & know that you will be missed.
    Pat in New Hampshire

  11. Thanks everyone.

    Boekenstek, I only recommend blogs that support the values I write about and think will be a very good resource for my readers. Your blog is in Dutch, I don't understand what you're writing about.

  12. Hi Rhonda,
    I voted for your blog.

    I was reading the post about how you got started and wanted to let you know something I've learned. I thought washing dishes by hand saved water and energy. But, I saw the actor, Ed Begley, Jr.'s show and he said otherwise. He's a huge environmentalist and said that efficient dishwashers use far less water. So now I don't feel bad about using it! :)

  13. I hope the week's work is smooth and satisfying...and I can't wait to hear about your grandbaby...of course, you must find a minute to post!!!

    Congratulations on all of it Rhonda Jean, I can't wait to see the finished product on both counts!


  14. Good luck and have fun finishing your book, looking forward to reading it!

  15. All the best Rhonda - for all these exciting events coming up for you in March.

  16. Wow! Your March IS going to be exciting this month. I'm glad March 1st is your deadline and then, I hope, you can concentrate on the new grandchild!

    Take the time you need.....I just read through your reader's comments. I do use a dishwasher often, but I doubt it could be more efficient that the hand washing method that uses two basins, one to wash and one to rinse.....But this is only my feeling. I haven't done any research...There is a good book Ecological Intelligence which I have just got from the library and I think it talks about misconceptions about what is really green. But I've only begun to read it.

    There is always a lot we have to learn and since it's a joy to learn, we're lucky in this!

  17. Thanks for everything Rhonda. Goodluck with the final touches on your book- I know it will be amazing!
    Love Regan

  18. Good luck with the writing and the new grandbaby.

    And with all those photos and all that important writing I'm really hoping you have a regular computer back-up program. Speaking from experience!!!

  19. This is such an exciting time for you Rhonda, your book will be wonderful and I'm sure all of us on the forum will eagerly await its publication; meanwhile you are eagerly anticipating a sweet little grandbaby and what joy that will bring. Will look forward to the news !
    Good luck with it all,

  20. Best Wishes on "your wonderful life"! Grandbabies and Memories...

  21. What an exciting time! Good luck and I can't wait until you're back.

  22. I love this blog! Especially your intro blurb... it describes our sentiment perfectly!

  23. Best wishes Rhonda! I'll miss you but am looking fwd to 'meeting' your book in the near future :)

  24. So excited for you Rhonda - all of these amazing things happening at once.
    Have fun choosing your photos - only 20,000 to choose from you say?!!


  25. Wishing you all the best and will be looking forward to reading your post on your grandchild ! Hope all goes well for the month of March !

    'Chia Yu' to your book writing for the date-line!

    (Note : The Chinese says, "Chia Yu" literally 'add oil'...that means encouragement to work harder, almost equivalent to the English version of 'burn midnight oil', but not quite the same ....! )

  26. I have been lurking for a while and enjoy your posts. Good luck with your book. After all your hard work I'm sure it will be a success. Hope both your grandbabies arrive safe and well.

  27. Everything is so exciting right now! YAY! for you!

  28. Dear Rhonda, Thank you for your blog. I tell people all the time that I have a friend in Australia who is a mentor to so many of us. The day that you wrote about growing older just touched my heart so much. March is a GREAT month to be born! (my birthday is on the 26th.)Blessings, Carolyn Gilbert in Florida,USA

  29. Living is truly rewarding when you can touch so many lives over such great distances. What a magnificent legacy for your grandchildren.
    Blessings to you Rhonda :)
    Trinidad & Tobago

  30. Exciting times indeed! I look forward to getting my mitts on a copy:)

  31. Hi Rhonda,

    I am anxiously awaiting the publication of your book, so I can get my hands on a copy! Your blog has become a huge inspiration, and I often find myself thinking "What would Rhonda and the rest of the D2E community suggest for this situation?" and I act accordingly. I wish you all the best as you enter the final stages of preparing to publish. Best wishes for the arrival of your grandbaby as well!

    All the best,

  32. A book about blogging;what a great idea! We will miss you while your gone but are so happy for you;so take care of yourself.and see you soon. Blessings jane

  33. happy writing and congratulations on your grandbaby!

  34. Hiya.

    I just wanted to tell you that it was your blog that got me on the walk in the first place. I just know that the book your working on will go on to bless that many more out there. Keep up the good work!


  35. Sending lots of good toughts on getting your book 'wrapped up'! I cannot wait to order my copy!
    Now...get to writing so you can focus on that new baby arriving soon!!!

    <3 & HUGS
    central Illinois

  36. Good luck with the last stages of your book. I will miss your blogging, but look forward to reading of the safe arrival of your first grandchild.

  37. Ooh Rhonda, what an exciting time for you! Good luck with finishing off your book, I just finished my thesis (forever this time!), and it's such a marvellously free feeling - and, like you, I'm looking forward to more time for 'fancywork' and the like.

    You must all be so excited to meet your new grandchildren!

    Best of luck over the next few weeks

  38. Hello Rhonda

    I am really looking forward to your book - do you have any idea when it will be available for purchase? I have 4 older sisters and I would dearly love to give each one a copy of your book for their birthday (the first one being in August). What a goldmine of information it will be. Best wishes for a successful publishing.


  39. Joolz, it will be sold in February next year. :- )


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