It looks like a really good swap. I think it's wonderful that so many of you are taking part and I hope you enjoy it. Swapping is a good way of developing new friendships and learning new skills, even if it's straight machine sewing or hand stitching. For the experienced sewers, it's a small project to work on that has a surprise element attached to it, and it helps use up those little bits and pieces of fabric that might otherwise be left unused. I would like to take part but I'm really snowed under at the moment so I'll just watch from the sidelines and enjoy the photos when they come in. To Sharon and Rose, I thank you sincerely for the work you are putting into this. I have organised many swaps and I know how time consuming they can be. So thank you both for you work and time.
To answer a couple of queries from yesterday: Mike, the tree was already planted when we decided to let the chooks free range around it so we couldn't bury the wire. Instead, Hanno covered the root area, on top of the ground, with chicken wire and held it down with a few bricks and pieces of wood. Initially we covered the wire with straw mulch, but the girls soon scratched it off so we didn't replace it. Since the wire has been there with no straw on top they've ignored the area and only walk under the tree on their way to somewhere else.
Margaret: don't plant potatoes in old tyres. Tyres contain cadmium and overtime it will leach out, possibly contaminating the potatoes. If you want to grow potatoes in a small space, use a wire cage. You can make it by surrounding some star pegs with chicken wire. The principle is the same but instead of adding more tyres, you start with an empty cage and as the potatoes grow, add more straw. Sometimes we hill our potatoes, sometimes we don't. We get a good yield either way.
Autumn, I use a fair bit of lemon in cooking - cakes, dressings, fish etc. I make some of the lemon juice into cordial, the rest is frozen and used over winter.
Maryanne, that's great news! It's always so exciting when the first of your fruit or vegetables start producing. I hope you get a great harvest from those tomato bushes.
And to everyone else who left a comment yesterday, I thank you. It's always very interesting for me to read what you write. I like knowing how others are living, doing the same household tasks I carry out here. It's a little bit like a friendly chat over the back fence.
To answer a couple of queries from yesterday: Mike, the tree was already planted when we decided to let the chooks free range around it so we couldn't bury the wire. Instead, Hanno covered the root area, on top of the ground, with chicken wire and held it down with a few bricks and pieces of wood. Initially we covered the wire with straw mulch, but the girls soon scratched it off so we didn't replace it. Since the wire has been there with no straw on top they've ignored the area and only walk under the tree on their way to somewhere else.
Margaret: don't plant potatoes in old tyres. Tyres contain cadmium and overtime it will leach out, possibly contaminating the potatoes. If you want to grow potatoes in a small space, use a wire cage. You can make it by surrounding some star pegs with chicken wire. The principle is the same but instead of adding more tyres, you start with an empty cage and as the potatoes grow, add more straw. Sometimes we hill our potatoes, sometimes we don't. We get a good yield either way.
Autumn, I use a fair bit of lemon in cooking - cakes, dressings, fish etc. I make some of the lemon juice into cordial, the rest is frozen and used over winter.
Maryanne, that's great news! It's always so exciting when the first of your fruit or vegetables start producing. I hope you get a great harvest from those tomato bushes.
And to everyone else who left a comment yesterday, I thank you. It's always very interesting for me to read what you write. I like knowing how others are living, doing the same household tasks I carry out here. It's a little bit like a friendly chat over the back fence.
One of the things I did last weekend was to clean the pantry. Pantry cleaning is one job that needs to be done every few months so I can check my containers and clean up any spilt food. A few years ago, before we bought our deep freezer, we had a couple of outbreaks of pantry moths that wiped out quite a few kilos of flour. We haven't had pantry moths since we started freezing all the dried grains and flour that come into the house, but I'm still on the look out for them. If you haven't seen pantry moths, and I'm not sure if those we have here are the same world-wide, they are a small brown moth, about the size of a fly. They get into flour, rice, lentils etc, when they're being processed, or in storage, or in the shop, and unknowingly you bring them home. When the product has been sitting on your shelf for a week or two, the moths emerge and fly around the house, where eventually they will find more flour or rice and lay eggs. To prevent this happening, if you can, put all your dried grains and flour in the freezer for a couple of days as soon as you bring it home. That will kill any larvae that might be present.
Cleaning the pantry is a simple, but essential, job. The way I do it is to empty everything out of the cupboard, clean the shelves from top to bottom with a terry cloth rag and white vinegar. If anything is spilt - we had a small molasses spill, it is cleaned up with a terry rag and homemade soap and wiped over with a clean moist cloth. If you've spilt any flour or rice in the cupboard, it's a good idea to vacuum the cupboard, making sure you do the edge, where the shelf meets the side wall, to make sure no flour or grain is lurking in the join. Leaving those little bits of food in crevasses attracts moths and weevils and it's best to vacuum them to completely remove any trace.

When you have the containers out, check them and wipe them over before placing them back in the pantry. If you notice anything going off or with bugs in it, discard it and wash the container thoroughly. If you do see moths in your container, take it outside to open it. Check that container too and make sure there are no cracks in it and that the lid is still capable of sealing properly.

And don't be like me. You can see in the photo above that the potatoes we bought at the market are still in a plastic bag. Tut tut, Rhonda. Potatoes should always be removed from the plastic bag and stored in a basket or similar open, but away from the light, container. Potatoes stored in a plastic bag will sweat and start to rot if left too long.
It's not the most glamorous of jobs but when you finish, it's very satisfying. I wonder how many pantry cupboards out there need a good clean. How often do you clean your cupboards? Do you have any tips to share with us? I'd be very interested if you have.
I've been too busy to write the second Biggest Kitchen Table post but I think I can do it this Friday. The topic this time is preserving/canning. Hopefully we can dispel a few myths and encourage the younger girls and those who haven't ventured into the world or jars, seals and clips to learn a new skill.
It's not the most glamorous of jobs but when you finish, it's very satisfying. I wonder how many pantry cupboards out there need a good clean. How often do you clean your cupboards? Do you have any tips to share with us? I'd be very interested if you have.
I've been too busy to write the second Biggest Kitchen Table post but I think I can do it this Friday. The topic this time is preserving/canning. Hopefully we can dispel a few myths and encourage the younger girls and those who haven't ventured into the world or jars, seals and clips to learn a new skill.
Good morning Rhonda,
ReplyDeleteOh, I think i've been caught out here. It's quite a few months since I tidied up my pantry. So I know what must go on to my "to do" list. Thanks for the reminder. What I have always wanted was a pantry like my grandmother had. It was a little room off the kitchen which had shelves on 3 sides and even 1 above the door. Absolutely fabulous for seeing everything. Bigger things on the bottom and smaller items higher up. The middle shelf was for all the crockery. She only had cupboards beneath the sink in the kitchen and her work bench was basically a wooden kitchen table which could be moved to the centre of the room when she was baking and then moved back against the wall when it was needed for breakfast or lunch. wonderful set up and so functional. Dinner at night was always in the dinning room with a nicely set table.
Blessings Gail
I just cleaned out my pantry recently. Since I've switched to storing everything in jars, it's a lot easier. I can see everything easily. I also can just take my list over to the pantry and see what I'm low on before I go to the store.
ReplyDeleteI've got storing veggies in baskets as well. I added lace onto the edges of each shelf this time just to pretty it up a bit. Now, I smile as I open it up.
Also, I've moved a bunch of the foods I canned this summer out of the basement and into the pantry so I can see my stock. This was the first time I've canned, but I love it!
I even have room now to store all the bins of toys for my boys that we rotate out throughout the day. It's so nice to have them close at hand, but out of sight.
Hi Rhonda,
ReplyDeleteI did my pantry yesterday too :o)
Although, I had to critter control my pantry, we discovered we have a mouse and there are quite a few little roaches around. I have found that the best way to keep them at bay is to wipe the pantry out with a mixture of lavendar oil and tea tree oil, they hate it.
Also, I wanted to let you know that I have been using your washing liquid in my front loader now for 6 months, it is fantastic! The last time I made it I used a bar of Sard soap, now I do not need to use napisan or pre stain spray at all. If anything needs a good clean I just wait for the washer to fill up and then switch it off for a few hours.
Thank you for blogging about this stuff, you have no idea how much you have changed peoples lives for the better :o)
Hi Rhonda Jean,
ReplyDeleteCleaning out my pantry is one of the jobs leftover from my spring-cleaning list, and it still hasn't been done, and it badly needs doing. I have a lovely big walk-in pantry with a sink in there, so it's not going to be a quick job - and I keep putting it off.
When we were renting before moving in here, there was that moth in the pantry and it got into quite a bit of my food, and some of the store-bought boxes that had baking powder and custard powder, etc. Even the ones I hadn't opened. I found little holes in the plastic bags they were sealed in. I didn't know about freezing it to get rid of the moth and ended up throwing most of it all out before we moved into our new home. I haven't found any here since, but I'm always on the look out for it! Great post - a good reminder for me.
By-the-way, I really wanted to join the swap. I had a lovely time with the last one and got to make a new friend (Vickie from Nova Scotia), but I felt I couldn't probably do it justice at the moment. I'll look forward to another swap at a later date when baby Alice is a bit older.
Rachel L
Hi Rhonda,
ReplyDeleteI've been reading and reading and reading your archives....I just want to take a moment of your time to say that this post made me smile. I'm betting that when you finished this pantry cleanout, it made you smile too! I hope to begin blogging soon and sharing some of my home photos of projects and 'stuff'. When I do, I hope you will come by for a little visit too. I'm thinking we will become fast friends...
love ya! Sylvia
I also dream of a walk-in pantry. My kitchen shelves are so unorganized. That is a future project for me as I settle into my new job as housewife and stay-at-home mom. (Organizing my cabinets, I mean; not building a pantry.) Yours looks so nice. What is that you have in those baskets? That looks like a great storage idea.
Hello Rhonda
ReplyDeleteI know the pantry will need a good sort when I return home at the end of March. T has been doing some work in the kitchen while I have been away and needed to empty some of the cupboards. I am quite looking forward to a good re-arrange and getting back to my own dear kitchen.
Have a happy day.
Pippa xx
I'm looking forward to the preserving articles! I've never done it before, but I've always been interested. Hopefully there's an easy way to get into it without having to buy a whole canning setup.
ReplyDeleteI had to laugh when reading your post as it is so easy to tell that you live in a warm climate. Many people throughout the world will have no notion of the problem of weevils as their worlds are so much colder. When, as a child, we moved to Bundaberg and then to New Guinea mu Mother was absolutely horrified about this situation. She bought wheat by the sack to make our bread because the local bakery in Rabaul was known to include animal bits in theirs. It was the job of us kids to run our fingers through the flour and pull out the largest weevil nests. After that it was stored in Milo and Sunshine tins. Mum also used jars to store everything. They make a neat container for extra onion in the fridge - no smells at all. Cherrie
ReplyDeleteSeveral years ago we had a weevil infestation in one of our cupboards. It arose when I forgot how long a box of corn meal had been sitting in there. Because we did not understand the origin of the infestation we discarded many boxed items (costly and wasteful. Since then, I store everything in glass jars and clean the food storage cupboards 2x a year. Also, we now purchase most everything in bulk from a food co-op (this is healthier because our co-op buys everything organic; we save natural resources with less packaging; we save money because we buy in bulk.)
ReplyDeleteSince reading in your blog about placing grains and beans in the freezer after bringing them home, I have added that easy preventative step to our regimen.
Good post on the pantry. I think that all of us in the world need to understand how to fill one, aside from going to the local grocery. Hard times ahead, and thanks to bloggers like you many are more prepared.
My pantry has a work bench to stand my dehydrator and flour mill on and other lager things like bowls of sprouts. My children however use this bench as a drop off place, so the pantry needs tidying often.
ReplyDeleteI'm really looking forward to the next Biggest Kitchen Table, I'm in the midst of jam making and fruit bottling at the moment. I'm trying to do enough for my friend too who is too sick to do her own this year. We both have large families, she has 9 children and my 8th will arrive in August, so the job is quite large but fun. It's a great job to have the children help will, makes it all happen so much faster and is passing skills on to them, it's also a good time to chat. My 6 year old daughter is very keen to help this morning with the strawberry jam.
Love your blog.
Ahem. Rhonda,
ReplyDeleteNot all of the people who are into canning are "girls". Quite a few of us are guys, blokes, men, males or whatever other name for the masculine species you want to use.
I've been canning my own home-grown food for a year now. And freezing for many more than that.
Oh, I hate pantry moths. We currently have that problem and I have thrown so much food away. I started keeping my rice in the freezer and my flours in lock and lock containers. They really are bug proof. I just cleaned the cupboards again a week ago (with my daughter's help). Is there a way to kill them? They seem to keep coming back. Also, the lemon cordial really has me intrigued. Perhaps you could post a recipe for that? Pretty please!
ReplyDeleteI'm at work so this has to be quick. Darren, my post will include how to set up for preserving/canning without buying anything.
ReplyDeleteJames, I stand corrected. I call you all 'blokes', and it's good to see the blokes are into this.
Hi Rachel and Alice!
Diana, if you go to the top of the page to the 'search' box, type in 'lemon cordial' and you should find the recipe.
If you have a large pantry and not a lot of time, try a shelf at a time instead of doing the whole lot.
ReplyDeleteI actually like doing this job. I always find way in the back bits of stuff that need to be used up or that can be put into a smaller jar to give me more space. I always try to use the smallest I can to give more space and less air space in the jar. Not sure if that helps with freshness or not but it makes me feel as though it does.
ReplyDeleteNow would also be a great time to paint the inside if your pantry is a dark color or change the lining to a light color. It is easier to see in there. I notice yours is white and that's what I will be doing this spring when I can open the windows to paint. I'm going to use a high gloss white. High gloss is "scrubable"
Now would also be a good time to either update or start a list of the items in the pantry.
As always a nice looking pantry.
Have a great day enjoy the season too.
Oh dear. I don't know that I've ever really cleaned out and scrubbed the pantry since getting married and moving in with my husband.
ReplyDeleteWell, I think I did it once (and found his old bachelor stores shoved to the back) but it's time to do it again. It's a good way to make sure you aren't missing something that needs to be used up as well.
Hi Rhonda, I have been a lurker for a while and have enjoyed learning new things from your blog. I recently did a major cleaning/organizing of my pantry, a nice feeling. I wanted to email you a question but couldn't find a link so I will ask it here. I was wondering your thoughts on buying organic or heirloom seeds for the garden. If you advocate them could you reccomend a quality source for them? I bought several kinds of local organic seeds last year and had horrible luck with them. They just didn't grow. Thanks for any input that you have!
ReplyDeleteoh yeah... i made soap yesterday, i made yogurt today, and i have a sour sour started in the fridge! you're so inspiring!! my family thinks i have lost it. i also made butter 2 weeks ago and have been planing a vegetable garden!
ReplyDeleteI am in the process of setting up a pantry of FINALLY!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! A friend has a moth problem and didn't know how to rid her panty of them. I will pass on this post to her. Thank you. It is going to be spring soon here in the middle of the US and I love to do a good cleaning of the house. Kitchen cabinets as I don't have a pantry.
ReplyDeleteCleaning out also helps to see what is left from canning, drying and freezing- to see what or how much to grow again come summer. I found I didn't like the way the beans I froze this year lasted. I will try another way to preserve them next year. I seem to have a lot left yet in the freezer.
Thanks again.
cathy c
I just cleaned out my pantry also. I am trying to convert to jars on my shelves also. I have a bag of flour sitting on a shelf right now. It will be going in the freezer tomorrow for a day or 2. I joined your swap and I am so excited. This is something I have never done. I am trying to do more things with my sewing this year.
ReplyDeleteHi Rhonda, I was just reading where you mentioned weevils. I have had them for a while and it's quite difficult to get rid of them. They were not in my main pantry but one cupboard next to the fridge, even though I had thrown everything out they still came back. I have to do my big pantry soon. Just realised you are not too far form where i live, I'm in Bli Bli. Deb
ReplyDeleteHi Rhonda
ReplyDeleteI've been reading your blog for a few months now and have started making a few changes as a result. One of the best has been a complete overhaul of our pantry - your tips were great! Our pantry was an utter mess and was regularly visited by those horrible pantry moths but since I've started freezing flour, nuts etc for a couple of days before they make it into the pantry I have not had a problem.
On another note, I would really like to start making some "wet" food for my dog to stretch her very expensive kibble a bit further. I know that you once posted a recipe but after a very pleasant hour searching though old posts I still can't find it. Could you possibly send me a link?
Many thanks - Sharon
Perfect timing! I was just planning to clean out the pantry tomorrow morning. :) Thanks for the pointers.
ReplyDeleteugghh! guess this is a wake up call that i need to clean out my pantry too. thanks for the suggestion about putting grains and rice in the freezer to kill the moth larvae. we fight that problem a lot here. so, i'll give it a try.
ReplyDeleteI cleaned my walk in pantry last month. We built our home with mostly white wire shelving so the clean up is easier ... no shelf paper to fuss with. Just a quick wipe and of course a good sweeping of the floor. Stuff falls through the wire and ends up on the floor ;). I found your site when searching for home laundry soap recipes ... I love the heavy duty recipe. The liquid one does separate but is fine for darks an color loads. We have eliminated the fabric softeners and use balls made from aluminum foil to discharge static electricity in the dryer. BTW ... we switched from drying for 50 minutes down to 5-10 and hanging to air dry after fluffing clothes for a few minutes. It's winter here ... so we have to dry in the basement. Summer is coming and a clothesline will be used.
ReplyDeleteHello! I have been reading your blog for about 2 weeks and have found much inspiration in it. Thank you for all the great ideas. We live in the USA/Midwest and are trying to simplify our lives. I plan to keep reading! Suegail
ReplyDeleteafter reading this post i tried to remember the last time i cleaned out and wiped down my pantry. i came up blank so while dinner was in the over i got started. i found 3 boxes of cornstarch, 2 bottles of molasses and 6 containers of oatmeal that i didnt know were in there! now i can see what i have, most everything is in glass jars and open baskets. thanks for the inspiration :)
ReplyDeleteHello Rhonda,
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to the preserving articles at the Kitchen Table! I've canned before, but I've always failed. Hopefully there's an easy way to get into it without having to buy a whole canning setup.
Could you please tell me/us how to manage with the potatoes in a cage? Sorry, I didn't understand the "put-the-straw-bit. Although I had thought about it, I promise I won't use tyres!
Thank you!
Hello Rhonda,
ReplyDeleteI have nominated your blog for the Lemonade Award!
Thanks for your inspirational blog!
It all looks so beautiful when put back into place. I clean my pantry every few months or so when things start to get too disorganized or messy. As for pantry moths, my mom swears that putting bay leaves in the container will keep them away. It seems to be working for her. I use different kinds of flours for gluten free cooking and haven't had to deal with weavels/moths for a while. :0)
ReplyDeleteI always find cleaning the kitchen cupboards (no proper pantry here, unfortunately) to be quite satisfying when I get round to it. It's always nice when the jars don't stick to the shelves with leaked syrup and treacle! That said, it is something I tend to put off for as long as possible...
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to the canning / preserving Biggest Kitchen Table. It's something that fascinates me, although I don't know a vast deal about it. I've only done jams/chutneys so far - things that don't have to be "canned" as such. But it's one of my goals for the year to learn to do water bath processing, so I shall read with interest.
Best wishes,
Hi! I just found your blog and I can't wait to read your archives. I cleaned and reorganized my pantry awhile back when I found a pantry moth infestation ::gag:: Yes I ended up throwing out a lot (once the adult moths are present most is beyond saving). But I put everything into glass canning jars (easy to see contents, sturdy, inexpensive) and labeled everything. I love it now, the organization makes working in the kitchen so much more pleasant and should another bug issue arise it will be simple to isolate and deal with quickly.
ReplyDeleteI have a couple of suggestions for potatoes. First is to keep them separate from the allium family (i.e. onions) as they will cause each other to sprout and go bad much more quickly. Second, for space reasons it is much easier for me to store my potatoes in bags, not baskets. So I store them in brown paper bags. They breath well and don't hold moisture. It has been a great solution for storing the small number of potatoes I keep on hand.
Thanks for a great blog!
Rhonda, I was so glad to see this post this morning but did not have time to respond then.
ReplyDeleteFor a year I've had a problem with ants in the house -- we live on the coast just south of Sydney. We have never used pest exterminators due to philosophical and ecological considerations but I'm soooo desperate I caused an argument here tonight.
I keep the house clean and, since the problem began, have been scrupulous about food areas. But just one bread crumb or piece of pet kibble means a black area within minutes.
Even a water droplet from a plant brings hordes. The kitchen and bathroom are reasonably well sealed. No water is standing other than in the tanks and in the (daily refreshed) pet bowls.
Yet armies of ants march over the swept wooden floors constantly. The crawl space under the house is less than 18 inches so it's hard to search there. Compost is in the tumbler and all rubbish is in bins.
I clean constantly and now spray with Mortein which I hate. Today the lid was not quite clipped over a plastic box of carrot cake I cooked yesterday and the lot was riddled with ants.
I tried to source borax in several shops today but couldn't. I am getting teary over it all.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
I so miss my pantry!!! We had our kitchen redone just over a year ago and the kitchen design guy and my hubby both talked me out of having a pantry, we have two deep drawers and the scattering of cupboards of course they they said "would be perfect and everything would be so neat and easy to find"....well needless to say it is the last time I ever let a man decide how a kitchen should be lol. I want a pantry!!! These drawers are just a neverending disaster zone and yes everything fits in my kitchen but there is stuff scattered throughout multiple cupboards, it drives me crazy!!!!,,,,,but I originally commented to say that you have inspired me to maybe do a pantry, make that kitchen clean out this weekend....I will try to post the results on my blog,,,,maybe even the before pics too aagghhhhh scary lol!!!
ReplyDeleteCheers, Colleen
We don't have much in our pantry so it's pretty easy to keep clean. I try to go through our fridge every couple weeks eat any leftovers and sort through what we have.
ReplyDeleteI need so much to clean mine and I keep puting off. You inspired me. It will be today.
Hi Rhonda
ReplyDeleteI regularly read your blog and have learnt a lot from it. Could I just ask regarding the pantry, when you buy new items, flour, rice etc. do you tip them directly into the jars or do you store elsewhere until the older food from the jar has been used up or is there a way of rotating the food so that the older item is at the top of the jar ready to be used first?
Sorry such a long question.
Ahh, there is great satisifaction in having a clean and organized pantry. I took on that very same task just last week! I also took some time to inventory the freezers and tidy them up a bit. This time I made a freezer inventory list and hung it on the outside of the door. A great help already in meal planning! (I used a whiteboard for the inventory list--easy to update).
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the upcoming canning post. I tried canning for the first time this past summer. Thanks Rhonda!
deb in PNW
I'm just learning about this idea of freezing flour and grains and am going to start doing it. Can't wait for the preserving post!!!
I forgot to add that my pantry and stockpile cupboard are two separate cupboards.
ReplyDeleteKimberly, I like that addition of lace on the edges of your shelves. I remember my grandma, and a lot of other ladies, used to add an edging of skillfully cut butchers paper to the edges of their shelves back in the 50s.
Vanessa, thank you so much for sending that information. I'll show it to Sarndra today.
Hi Sylvia, welcome. Good luck with your blog.
Cassandra, there are potatoes in one and onions in the other.
What a lovely kindness, Helen. Good luck with the jam making.
Hi Cindy, welcome. I try to grow all open pollinated (heirloom) seeds, and usually they're organic. I never grow hybrids now. I noticed you're in Washington, and while I know nothing about American seed companies, I'd be buying from a well established seed company like Of course, when you harvest your crops, you'll save your own seeds, so a one-off large seed order, then much smaller ones will probably be how you'll go.
Carmell, join the crazy club. LOL! But you know what? We're crazy like the fox. You're doing well, girlie, keep it up.
Sharon, the dog food recipe is here:
Hi Suegail, welcome. Small steps, love, and you'll make it happen.
Lichtlein, plant your potatoes at the base of the cage on a bed of compost and soil and whatever animal manure you can buy, add some straw to cover it. When you see the green shoots emerge, add more compost, soil and straw, just allowing the green tips to always stay above the straw. You keep building it up like that. Keep it moist, not wet and when the flowers come, make sure you give it a good watering and leave it for a couple of week without watering. When the tops go brown, it's time to harvest.
Hello lilygirl, welcome. Thanks for those tips.
Oh dear, Rose. Ants are a terrible menace. It will take some doing to get rid of them, but I totally agree with you - don't let anyone spray. I'd rather live with ants than with poison. You'll have to find the nest, love. Follow the trail back to the nest, there may be several of them, and pour boiling water into every nest you find. You may have to do that a few times before you get rid of them. While you're doing the water treatment, wipe the ant trail every day with tea tree or eucalyptus oil. Ants follow the scent on a trail, that will remove it. Keep doing all those common sense things like not leaving food out, sweep the floor, all those things I'm sure you're already doing. If you have no pets or little children around, you could make up some borax baits too. Just get some jar lids, mix up 2 tablespoons of honey or syrup with one teaspoon of borax and place it in your jar lids. Put them where you see the ants walking, and as close to the nests as possible. Good luck!
Colleen, I agree, men + kitchen design = #!#!%^$! LOL I have deep kitchen drawers and I love them, but I also have a pantry and a stockpile cupboard just off the kitchen. I hope you can modify what you have to make it work for you.
Julia, when I bring home bags of flour, rice etc, they go straight into the freezer for a few days. Then they sit either in the stockpile cupboard, if they're small, or on the floor of the second bathroom, near the freezer, if they're big bags (20kg). I store most of my stuff in the stockpile cupboard, and when I open it and use it, that item is then put into a container, usually glass, and transferred to the pantry cupboard.
Hi Rhonda,
ReplyDeleteI was planning to clean out my pantry this week too, so your post is perfect timing!
Even though it's not spring here yet, I've started spring cleaning early, doing one room each day and tomorrow its the kitchen (this may take more than one day to be honest!)
I dread to think how many jars of herbs and spices that are past their sell-by date I've got lurking at the back of the shelves....
I cleaned my pantry about a week ago and you are right about the great feeling you have when you're done although my pantry always looks so much better when it is nearly empty.I have done my monthly shopping now and Im not so happy about the way it looks anymore which is crazy hey.I try to keep similar things together like all the pastas,the breakfast cereals,the spices,etc... but other little members of the house mess it all up in one week so I try to clean out once a month when it is most empty towards end of month.
ReplyDeleteHi Rhonda,
ReplyDeleteFirst time reader and just wanted to say i love the way you write and share!
I *had* to clean out our pantry last month after an invasion of ants took over but it is much cleaner and better organised now. I like for everything to have a place in our house and have really enjoyed reading your posts on organisation and such.
Thanks again!
Lusi x
pantry moth is very annoying and always try to keep them away from my house. They create dangerous allergic effect on my skin. I hate them very much.