10 December 2010

This is on my mind ...

This is on my mind is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives with these photos and gives us all a new way to discover each other, and maybe form new friendships. Your photo should show something at home that you're thinking about. It could be something already done but still on your mind, something you're about to do and you're working out how to do it, or a place at home where you've spent a lot of time during the past week. It could be anything.

To take part in this, all you have to do is post your photo and write a short caption explaining it. When your photo is published, come back here and add a comment, with a link to your blog photo. We will all be able to follow the breadcrumbs in the woods that lead to each new photo. Who know where these trails will lead us.

PS: Please label your photo: This is on my mind, and please, post a new photo today, otherwise I'm not sure if I'm commenting on the right post.

Hanno and I went to a couple of thrift shops last week and I found this beautiful vintage table tray for $10. I'm thinking it was hand made in someone's backyard shed. It's solid wood and there is a little inlaid check diamond in the centre. The legs fold under when it's not in use. I found it at the bottom of a stack of plastic and tin trays just waiting for me to come along.



  1. Hi Rhonda, i think this will be fun,the kitchen sink one was so good.When i get time I will take part as my whole month has been spend getting ready Mums 90th birthday for Saturday and as i had to do it alone I am pooped! lol I will take a pic of what has been taking up my time on saturday.The little tray looks lovely and yes can just imagine someone making it I his shed.Have a lovely weeken Carole

  2. How funny! I just made a post on my blog that fits this criteria precisely!


    After I posted mine, I began reading through the other blogs I folow, and found your post about this.

    This will be fun, thank you ... and what a wonderful way to meet new friends, and reach new followers too:)

  3. Like many victorians, floods and rains are on my mind.....


  4. I have spent the week trying to decide what photo I could post but in th end it was related to work. Hubby is so busy that I'm now the "apprentice/gopher".


    Love the tray Rhonda. Reminds me of the tray Ashley (now hubby) made me for my 21st. I love it.

  5. Love This meme... what a wonderful way to meet new friends, and reach new followers too:)

    my blog post is @
    Thanks Rhonda

  6. I'm thinking about all the things I want to cook and bake for Christmas (and the pre-Christmas parties), but I'm not getting much time to experiment! So I've fallen back on an old favourite with a new twist... and it's soooo yummy! I'm using it for topping fancy chocolate cakes, pavlovas, and even just eating it on it's own for breakfast :)


  7. Such a beautifully crafted table - a great find!

    Thank you for organising this Friday feature Rhonda, here's my contribution


    Cheers :D

  8. My good fortune at being able to live in a beautiful place, growing my own vegetables and becoming more planet friendly is always on my mind. I feel very, very lucky.

  9. Now that is a great find, clever you Rhonda.

    Since we moved shop a year ago we have had a niggling problem with the workshop that clever Tony solved. http://greeningtherose.blogspot.com/2010/12/this-is-on-my-mind_10.html

  10. Rhonda, What a lovely idea! I will enjoy doing this whenI can. What a pretty tray. I love nice vintage wooden pieces. I rarely comment but have been enjoying your writings for a long time. Thank you! Gerry

  11. I'm busy trying to make up my mind:


    Love the little tray. So useful.

  12. I am thinking of making some double choc dipped shortbread for Christmas presents usimg a economical and too easy recipe my dear sister in law Pam gave me :]


  13. Thanks Rhonda. This time of year I'm sure we all have things on our mind.
    At present my mind is on the floods and the havoc it had caused for the unfortunate people affected, across the eastern side of Australia. Maa.


  14. Hi Rhonda I have posted a photo.In Canada it is still Thursday but I posted it anyway.It is a great idea to connect everyone.
    This is a photo that gives me peace.
    Love your tray.

  15. Hi Rhonda, my dogs are on my mind. I'm working on altering one of my dog's food recipe in order to help her recover from a non-serious health issue.


  16. Hi Rhonda, I read your blog & lots of others who'd contributed last week but I was a little late to join in. I read your posts every other day & look forward to seeing what you & your other readers are up to. Thanks for encouraging us all to join in.

  17. Hi Rhonda, love the table.

    Here is my Friday Photo:


    Pippa xx

  18. I love the tray Rhonda, I wonder if it was a project for a highschool woodwork class.

    Baking has been on my mind this week


    I'm off to have a look at some blogs, cheers

  19. Rhonda, I'm in Ettalong NSW meeting my new granddaughter.

  20. Rhonda
    I am sure it is a design used in High School Woodworking classes - teaching about inlay, and furniture making etc. That makes it extra special to me - it was probably presented to a proud mother one Christmas, and she kept it all her life....

  21. I'm trying to catch up on so many things that need doing...whether I like to do them or not :)


  22. Hello Rhonda!
    Thank you for this wonderful opportunity! I am so happy to be able to meet some new friends through this! Mine is posted here:


    Hope you have a lovely weekend!


  23. I've got my post up as well
    Great tray.

  24. Beautiful table!

    Here is my entry :-) http://livinglifenowinkiwiland.blogspot.com/2010/12/this-is-on-my-mind_10.html

  25. Oooh, that's a nice op-shop find Rhonda.

  26. Hi Rhona,

    What fun this is. I am enjoying looking at all the links

    My post is a bit sad today, we relocated to Spain 18 months ago and the family live in the Family my dad died this time last year. and being this close to Christmas I miss my family.


  27. My beautiful daughter's school graduation is on my mind:) http://vanessa-paris.com/blog/?p=2337

  28. I already do a Friday photo so it will be fun to link up with others here. This week Christmas decorations are on my mind.


  29. Beautiful tray!

    I have joined in and you can see what is on my mind today at this link http://mrsrabe.blogspot.com/2010/12/this-is-on-my-mind_10.html

    Have a lovely day or evening everyone!

  30. What a fun posting idea and a great way to meet new friends. This is what is on my mind today.
    I am busy getting ready for a craft show and should be gluing and not reading blogs. But here I am.

  31. Hi Rhonda.. Nice idea...
    here is my entry;

    Thnaks and looking forward to a comment from all....

  32. It may be broken, but my wallet and the earth will thank me to think twice before replacing it. http://bettermebetterworld.blogspot.com/2010/12/this-is-on-my-mindbroken-but-no-need-to.html

  33. Hi Rhonda, I love your blog and have been reading for some time now. I so enjoy reading your words, very inspiring! This my first comment here ;)

    Snow! Winter blanket covers our garden and reveals the night lives of deer. http://heartlandhomeroots.blogspot.com/2010/12/snow.html

  34. Lovely tray. Great photos everyone!
    here's mine:

  35. That tray is gorgeous Rhonda:) Good find!

    Here is my post for this week:

  36. My mind has been on how hard it is to keep up with farming throughout the winter. We have had 158 cm of snow this week and it is snowing today. My post explains my likes an dislikes about farming in the Canadian winter.


  37. I love this Friday feature and it's great to see what's on all of your minds.

    This is what's on mine this evening


  38. Christmas is on my mind. It hasn't been quite the best lately but time I hope will change this.



  39. Rhonda I guess my brain wasn't working last night as try as I may I couldn't find this 'leave your comment' box. Very sad really...lol. Any way I guess it's still Friday in some parts of the world so I'll put a link to my 'This is on my mind' post!
    The table in your photo is a real treasure; real wood not 'Ikea composite'! (I know Ikea has a place those of you who are fans!lol)

  40. Rhonda I love that table.

    I'm thinking Christmas lights

  41. oops I forgot to say what was on my mind! It's decluttering time as I have brought home what's left of my teaching resources after retiring on Wednesday. I still have heaps even tho' I've given away and thrown out for over 12 weeks! And we don't have a shed!

  42. Hello Rhonda Jean!

    I was so surprised to see a comment from you this evening, as I'm a long time reader( comment very rarely) of yours. Your blog is such an inspiration to so many of us. I hope you'll come visit again soon!

  43. Hi Tracy, thank you. I've been trying to get around a bit more and I tend to start somewhere and follow links. I loved the tortoise cake and the warmth and love you and your daughter showed your husband. I've just put you in my reader to remind me to go back again.

  44. HI RJ,
    Thanks for the kind words and your comment means the world to me. I an a devotional reader of your blog. and evrymorning b4 I log on to my work in office.. I read your post.. its become a ritual frm M-F.. much like the 9AM cofee...U inspired me to count my blessings evry day and that helps in keeping us grounded..Firts i was sad that my Glass is only half full.. but after this while I am very happy that it is Half empty and not totally empty....thanks for that and God bless you and your loved ones....Love Ash.
    PS.. I am making special gifts for my fnrds this holiday season.. Thanks Kimmie of Serendity... for that idea...
    God Bless!!!


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