17 December 2010

On my mind ...

This is on my mind is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives with these photos and gives us all a new way to discover each other, and maybe form new friendships. Your photo should show something at home that you're thinking about. It could be something already done but still on your mind, something you're about to do and you're working out how to do it, or a place at home where you've spent a lot of time during the past week. It could be anything.

To take part in this, all you have to do is post your photo and write a short caption explaining it. When your photo is published, come back here and add a comment, with a link to your blog photo. We will all be able to follow the breadcrumbs in the woods that lead to each new photo. Who know where these trails will lead us.

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I got this in the mail.  I was nominated for Australian of the Year 2011.  Don't get excited, I didn't win and I wasn't a finalist, but this certificate acknowledges the nomination.  In part, the letter states: "Being nominated is a great honour and I hope you feel proud of the impact you are having on your community and the nation."  I am humbled by the honour and I thank those who nominated me.  I just found out a couple of ladies from the forum have secret knowledge of this, Rose and Tammy.  I'll be talking to them later in the day to find out all about it.


  1. A nomination is just as wonderful as win as you know you were chosen in the running and that you definitely did do something to get recognition for what you do or contribute. That is wonderful!

  2. Congratulations! What an honour to be nominated. I enjoy following other's links but I'm not leaving one today, I'm meant to be quilting, not blogging ;)

  3. Do you realise the impact you are having in the community, the nation and the world. Rhonda this was a very valid nomination, the shift in thinking you encourage people to have and support and advice you offer them in this change deserves recognition. Hugs my friend. x

  4. Congrats Rhonda Jean! You've earnt it xx

  5. Congratulations Rhonda,

    It is so good to hear that you have been honoured in this way. You are such a giving person and have enriched the lives of so many of us. You opened up a whole new world to me through the writings on your blog. You are really what we call "True Blue".

    Blessings Gail

  6. Congratulations! You would have been a most worthy recipient! Your influence has spread far beyond your Australian borders! Maybe we should nominate you for WORLD Citizen of the Year!

  7. Hi Rhonda,
    Congratulations on your nomination! Even though you did not make it as a finalist to be nominated is such an honour.
    On my mind this week is a present for my 7 year old for Christmas that I have been working on for several weeks now as part of a handmade/homemade pledge Christmas. I find that when I am making someone a gift my mind is filled with lovely thoughts of that person. Next year I hope to make even more gifts for my family - I'll have to start earlier in the year as we have a very large family.

  8. I want you to know that you have made a huge impact on my life through your blog, Rhonda. And I am in the states. :-) It has been so nice to find someone who has alot of the same goals that my husband and I have working toward. Thank you! :-)

  9. You're an inspiration. Congratulations.

  10. Congratulations Rhonda. A nomination is just as good as a win in my book.

  11. Congrats Rhonda!

    Here's my contribution for this is on my mind

  12. That's wonderful that you had been nominated. Congratulations.

    Will try to get my photo on my blog later in the day, but things are very hectic here.

    Take care,

  13. Congratulations! As many other commenters have stated It's a very note-worthy nomination, and given the blog communities ability to vote you are THE Winner! Much deserved!
    Now a question; for those of us who partake in " On My Mind" from the United States should we do as a Thursday post and link back to you or wait and keep it Friday?

  14. Our Mum & Dad are no longer here, but I want to let everyone know that if they were they would have been two very proud parents as I am a very proud Sister.

    Patricia Margaret (AKA Sissie)

  15. Well done! What an accomplishment. You certainly do have a broad and positive influence.

  16. Opps for got to put in the link for my This is on my mind post....


    I was so excited about you being nominated it slipped my mind.

  17. Congratulations Rhonda on your nomination! You have inspired me many times!! I have alot on my mind this week, the main thing is my 'To-Do List'.....

  18. Congratulations! You're an inspiration to many!

  19. Thanks everyone! Tammy, I hope to have a word with you later. Hi Tricia!

  20. Helen, you didn't leave a link for us to follow.

  21. Blessings, put up your link and photo when you see mine up. That way you'll get the people who come to read at their regular times coming over to your blog, I hope.

  22. I have been reading your blog and the other blogs from Simple Green Frugal for a while and I am so happy that you got this nomination. The posts of all of you are just so inspirational. It is great to come to your world after a day of tv, computers, children, work, traffic.... and read about something as simple and serene as home made soap. So thank you and congrats!

  23. Patricia in DenverDecember 17, 2010 9:12 am

    No one deserves this honor more than you. You inspire those of us who learn from you and go on to inspire others. I am making a small impact on my small circle of friends, who continue the cycle. Let's hope the circles get wider and wider. You, my friend, were the first to encourage me. Please accept my heartfelt thanks.

  24. Congratulations for the nomination Rhonda. Well deserved!
    My contribution to 'this is on my mind'

    The plumber.....



  25. Hi Rhonda Jean~
    What an outstanding validation for your efforts, both in your community where you live and the world-wide community of Lovers of Simple Living everywhere.

    It certainly confirms to me that little things done in small ways each day can, and do make a difference. Other people sense the difference just being around you.
    You are inspiring to many!
    {{hugs}} ~Carolyne

  26. Such an honour to be nominated and I add my good wishes to others who have commented.
    You promote a healthy, happy, sustainable and loving way of living which is within the means of everyone. Something to be admired for sure!

    I enjoy taking part in your Friday photo and through it have been able to make connections with more pleasant people in blogland. Thank you Rhonda :)

    Here's my contribution for today

    Cheerio, Susan

  27. Well done and Congratulations!!! A great achievement Rhonda!

  28. You were nominated because many believe you deserve it. You have been a wonderful inspiration to many of us.The first blog I go to each and every day.

    This is my "On My Mind.........

  29. Congratulastions, that is so great...Rhonda you are a special person to many people, all over the world, you are a friend, a mentor, a great source of knowledge and inspiration...words are powerful things...and personally I am so glad I found this blog and everthing you encourage us all with.....well done to you...are you wearing a cap? Cos you need a feather in it.....(maybe a chookie one?)xxxx
    Have a great day...Suzanne.

  30. Congratulations Here is my contribution for today also.It is Thurs here in Canada.

  31. That is such a well deserved nomination! I'd heartily support it just from the inspiration you've given me. Congratulations!
    Today on my mind...
    Thankyou for being part of my day!

  32. That is an amazing honor! I joined in with you again this week, you can find my post at www.consciousearthveg.blogspot.com.
    It is about my sweet cat who is having to stay the night at the vet for some recent illness.

  33. I've been thinking about food storage...come and see some pictures.



  34. That is fantastic Rhonda, I am glad somebody thought to nominate you, as I fully support the idea and wish I'd thought of it myself. Just by being you and doing what you do in your day to day is having an effect on people all over the world. A worthy nomination indeed.

  35. You deserve to win. Just the things that you teach us here on your blog makes you a winner!!! Congrats on the nomination.

  36. Congrats Rhonda!

    Today on my mind is my homeade talc


  37. Hi Rhonda, Congratulations,it is an honour,in 2009 I won Citizen of the year in our local Australia day awards,I was mortified when I got my invite to attend and my nomination, so much so I asked to have my name withdrawn saying that I do not do enough to deserve it.I was told it was an insult to those who nominated me and to please come, at that stage I had no idea I would win, I just hated the thought that I would be called up front.When they read out the achievements list I was not paying attention too much and thought "who are they talking about" when my name was called I had no idea that what I do was anything but a pleasure.I am so proud now of that award and trophy,I rarely ever speak of it as I want no accolades but deep in the recesses of a corner of my heart i was singing a little and thinking well I must not be such a bad person afterall lol.Honestly Rhonda it is an honour for you,bless you and all you do ,it is someones way of saying thank you in a bit louder voice than normal.Carole

  38. This Is On My Mind @ http://blessingtheelements-mi.blogspot.com/2010/12/this-is-on-my-mind-for-friday-december.html

    Homemade Gifts & Blogging Friends!

  39. Congratulations on the nomination Rhonda; you have made such a difference to so many people!
    My 'on my mind' is a bit of a self-indulgent tirade about the 'developers' who are changing the 'face' of my community! lol

  40. I have joined our Friday This is on my mind:

  41. Congratulations on your nomination! That is something to be proud of!

    For this week, this is on my mind - http://livinglifenowinkiwiland.blogspot.com/2010/12/this-is-on-my-mind_17.html

  42. Sorry I forgot to leave a link to follow to my new blog!
    Here it is: http://thefrugalmagpie.blogspot.com
    I also wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your blog, it has been a great source of encouragement & inspiration. Look forward to reading the book!
    Aussie of the year nomination! wow!- you would have had my vote :)

  43. What a lovely thing to happen to receive such a nomination.

    This weeks This is on my mind

  44. Fantastic Rhonda! I'm so happy for you!

    Here is my link for those who may be interested in winemaking.....


  45. Well done you Rhonda that is lovely, you really do have a great impact on us all. Take care & all the best for a happy & festive Xmas & New Year.

    cheers & hugs Serena.

  46. Congratulations, Rhonda!

    Here is what is on my mind today: http://mrsrabe.blogspot.com/2010/12/this-is-on-my-mind_17.html


  47. WOW! Well deserved...the nomination means your efforts are touching people's lives!
    --Here's what's on my mind this Friday morn: Time to Prepare for Old Man Winter-- http://bettermebetterworld.blogspot.com/2010/12/this-is-on-my-mindtime-to-prepare-for.html

  48. Congratulations! I am not from Australia, but I certainly am glad you have received such a recognition!

  49. Congratulations RJ....to be nOminated is a victory in itself.. I have been taking inspiration frm Kimmie of Serendipity blog and making small Xmas gifts.. So far I managed a small crochet pouch with body wash..but forgot to take a pic..so hopefully I will be able to make few more and post it on my blog soon....

  50. Congrats!!
    Hello from réunion island where i have been following you for some months already.
    You deserve this nomination of what you do!!


  51. CONGRATULATIONS! I can only echo what others have already said, but I can reiterate how you totally deserved to be on the list and mentioned in dispatches. There's always Next year . . .

  52. Congratulations!! What a fun time - a good excuse to celebrate!!

    On my mind, winter salad.

    Happy Friday!

  53. I don't have a blog, but I do enjoy yours. I thought I'd share with you how you have inspired me. I now have my first apron. I made it myself. I wear it proudly everyday, and think of you. I have started experimenting with bread making, and I look at my life in a different way. You have inspired me to be proud of myself, for even though I'm unable to work for a paycheck, due to illness, I can and should be proud of what I am able to do.Thank you from Arkansas, USA

  54. That would definitely be on my mind as well! Congratulations!

    I forgot you were doing pictorial Fridays, but I did a post on my jumbled mind this morning so maybe it still qualifies. I couldn't keep it to one picture - there's too much in there right now!http://achaoticlifestyle.blogspot.com/

  55. Theresa, I'm really pleased you made that apron. Stand tall and do your best and you'll have every right to be proud of all you do. Merry Christmas love.

  56. WOOHOO!!! Congratulations to you! What a well-deserved honor.

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><

  57. Congratulations Rhonda, a well deserved nomination!

    I know I'm a day late, hope thats ok. I just couldn't get to the computer to post this yesterday.

    This is on my mind http://sewingtheseedsofchange.blogspot.com/2010/12/this-is-on-my-mind_18.html

  58. Congratulations Rhonda jean for some well deserved recognition.

    Here's what's on my mind this week


    With love, Ferris

  59. Congratulations Rhonda!! The nomination is wonderful news!! You should be very proud of yourself.

    Here's my contribution for this is on my mind
    On my mind...

  60. Congratulations Rhonda and well deserved! You are a great example to many of us.

    Here is what's on my mind:


  61. Hello Rhonda and everyone,
    Congrats on your nomination. This is my first coment to your blog, although I have been lurking for quite a while.
    Here is what's on my mind.
    Thanks for your inspiration.

  62. Congratulations indeed! You are a very worthy nominee and must be so proud. Well done!

    Cheers - Joolz

  63. I love your blog. I just added you to my blogroll. This is an auspicious day for you! Congratulations!

  64. Rhonda, you are a deserving candidate for the award. I have to add my bit of praise from all the other lovely comments you've had here. Rhonda, you really changed my life. Literally, the first day I read your blog was the first day I truly made changes for the better. I don't very often check in here these days (although I intend to come here more now) but I will always come back at some time or another, because it feels so much like home. through you I grow veg, bake my own bread, keep chickens, and I have my own beehive. Life has never been better!

    Thank you so much xxxx


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