18 December 2010

Don't forget the ginger

This is just a reminder for everyone making their ginger beer.  Two teaspoons of ginger and two teaspoons of sugar every day and keep the mix in a warm place.  Also, it's okay to make ginger beer with fresh ginger if you have it.

Thanks to everyone for the warm wishes yesterday.  Enjoy your weekend.


  1. Hi Rhonda, I am feeding my ginerbeer daily waiting for it to come to life,I find that I am in the habit already of putting the kettle on in the morning and feeding it while I wait for the cuppa to be ready that way I won't forget then I mark off the day on the jar as some days I am like a goldfish with a 3 second memory lol.Thankyou for your wonderful blog.Carole

  2. how freaky to think that it is already Saturday in your neck of the woods. Came back to have a whirl through all the Friday "on my minds." thanks again!

  3. I am starting this this weekend - I can't wait! I am already brewing Kombucha, but this will be a fun change!

  4. Hi Rhonda,
    My daughters and I are making ginger beer with you but I'm afraid it's not exactly bubbling along! It should be warm enough here in a north east Victorian summer but it has been unseasonably cold, especially at night. During the day we sit the plant in the warm sun but we were wondering if you have any suggestions for what we can do at night? Many thanks, Nic and girls :)

  5. Hi Nic and girls. Is it in a jar that you can screw a lid on to? If so, when you bring it in in the afternoon, put a lid on it, wrap it in a towel and put it in the microwave or a cupboard. Do you have a linen cupboard or a warm cupboard near the hot water heater? That would be ideal. Normally our summer weather is enough to get fermentation happening. Mine started the following day. Good luck girls, let me know how you go with it.

  6. Mine now has two thick layers of brown foam - one on the bottom of the jar and the other floating on the top with brown clearish liquid (like non-milky tea) in between the two. I hope that's correct!

  7. Oh this reminds me of my mother. Some of her ginger beer used to 'pop' every time she made some.
    I also remember her home made yoghurt. Yuk! It was so sour it turned my stomach! It took me years before I went near yoghurt again. lol! Maa.

  8. O'h dear,I have just come back to read how others are going and mine has not started either we are having a weird cold snap the last 2 days so I will try to find every warm spot I can..does it mean disaster if it does not start soon?do we need to start again? sorry Rhonda to be a nuisance.Carole

  9. That sounds fine, Claire. Smell it. Does it smell of ginger or alcohol?

    Carole, it's fine. Leave your cover all during the day. The cold air there might be a bit thin on yeasts. See if you can put it in a warmish place out of the drafts and keep feeding it.

  10. Hi Rhonda...I love making ginger beer ..been making it for years off and on...here is the link to my recipe on my blog if any one is interested ...also a few of my own personal stories about ginger beer making...all the recipes vary a little ...

  11. Hi Rhonda,
    just wondering how long this ginger beer will keep?

  12. I made my first batch and it took a few days to get going but I loved the end results! Thank you for the recipe and tutorial. Second batch I used the mother from last batch and fermenting began in hours. In the process I have now lidded it and refrigerated it. The thing is, it has a strong almost sour smell...but not quite... and I am wondering if there is a problem with it or if its just stronger this time? Im a little afraid to drink it now. I am using powdered ginger not fresh. Thank you for your help!

    1. It does get stronger in taste because the longer you ferment anything the stronger the taste. If you don't like that strong taste, you'll have to start with a fresh culture each time.

  13. Hi Rhonda
    Trying ginger beer, but it doesn't seem to be happening. Following directions, keeping it warm (it's next to the AGA stove, so always warm.). Getting a little brown froth, but not much. Bottled one lot, no bubbles developed. Any thoughts please.

    1. It's probably too warm, Kylie. Just sitting on the bench in the room the stove is in will be fine, it doesn't have to be right next to the stove. Too hot will kill the yeasts, too cold won't allow them to grow.


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