I don't know what it is about aprons but when I put mine on every morning, it turns me into someone else. I feel more of a homemaker...
I send my sincere thanks to everyone who wrote a comment over the past two days. There were some very helpful suggestions there and I'm...
I want to thank all those who took the time to add a comment yesterday. I am sure they will help the men and women who read them and find s...
The economic crisis seems to be lingering longer than anyone predicted. We see various indicators starting to predict slow improvement bu...
It's taken a while but I finally feel like I'm back in my daily homemaker's rhythm. When Hanno was in Germany those five week...
What could be better on a cool and rainy Spring day than to have the aroma of delicious food baking in the oven for the evening meal. I mad...
Well, it's a week and a half since I said I was cleaning and reorganising my work room. This was an important task for me. It's th...
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