I usually start preparing my fermented ginger beer around this time of the year. I like having it on hand to offer to family and frie...
It's only a couple of days until Christmas and I hope you've got your menu planned and all your goodies ready, or almost ready. It&...
Last week our elder tree (sambucus nigra) was heavy with berries. It's the first year there have been enough berries to do anything ...
Like you, I put a fair bit of time into my home. Doing the housework here allows us to live in relative comfort and to invite our family an...
All these photos of the garden were taken this morning. The garden is producing well at the moment so we've been able to cut back on wh...
Surprisingly, life is rolling along nicely here despite the chaos that Covid is causing in Australia and around the rest of the world. We do...
I forgot it's Friday! 😳  I just came home from grocery shopping and it clicked. I'm glad I remembered now and not Sunday afternoon...
I'm going to catch up on a few things that have been asked in past posts and in emails and I haven't come to yet. Reader advice for ...
There are three questions I am frequently asked in emails. Why do you have those upturned flower pots on the posts in your garden? How c...
Here's another recipe that is good to eat in summer or winter. It is started the night before and marinated overnight, the preparation ...
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