I don't consider myself a good knitter. I think my talent lies in picking projects that I'm capable of doing. :- ) That said, mo...
Another week has been and gone, another weekend approaches.  To tell you the truth, almost every day is like a weekend to me now, and eve...
We're in the middle of our winter work at the moment.  Now that we're older, it's easier to do most of our garden and outdoor m...
Of all the things I do during the course of a normal day, the one thing that is guaranteed to help me relax is knitting.  Who would have th...
Putting nutritious food on the kitchen table is one of the tasks a homemaker must repeat every day. I cringe when I think of the many times...
Surprisingly, life is rolling along nicely here despite the chaos that Covid is causing in Australia and around the rest of the world. We do...
We have to net these peaches this weekend to stop the fruit fly getting them. It's a constant battle which I often seem to lose. You wo...
I often tell you how peaceful it is here in our one lane, dead-end street. There's not much passing traffic except for the migrating bi...
The days are getting longer and warmer here and I'm guessing that most of us are experiencing a change in the temperature. I hope you ...
One of the things I really enjoy about my simple life is that I've taught myself to make many things I used to buy. I'm pleased that...
The latest waffle weave dishcloth. I was home alone yesterday. Hanno drove down to the Gold Coast to help Kerry and Sunny buy a car. I...
H and I just did the draw for the dishcloth swap. The swap buddies are: Michelle and Jenny Susan and Lenny Briget and Rhonda (kimmysmum) Pol...
Today's kitchen is in South Australia and it's Sue Joy's.  She writes: "We built this kitchen onto our house around 7 yea...
Hanno and I spent a peaceful weekend together working away on our various chores and watching a couple of TV shows that I recorded through t...
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