Hello friends! We finally got some rain which we're very grateful for.  All up we got 230 mm which is 9 inches on the old scale. The ent...
I feel really energised lately and although it's due to the cooler weather and the approach of my favourite seasons, I think housework i...
I'm running late today. Not that it's a problem for a woman who never wears a watch and operates mainly by light and dark instead. I...
I'm getting excited about getting closer to starting our gardening season. We've had cooler evening temperatures, soon the humidity ...
Hanno had an operation yesterday to clear up some bleeding in his eye. I'm happy to tell you that he's woken up this morning with no...
Another busy week, this time with more organising and decluttering (again!), thinking about dying, planning for the future, deep cleaning th...
I've gone a bit berserk this week and have been cleaning cupboards and drawers in the kitchen in addition to a lot of other work that HA...
Many things have returned to normal here after our long summer holidays. School and work have started, limited sport is back, shops are open...
This is Mary Rose, a standard David Austin rose. It flowers like crazy during summer as long as I keep the water up. Each day gets busier he...
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