With food prices still very unstable and some fruit out of our price range, we have made a commitment to keep our kitchen garden in full pr...
We had a bit of excitement here last week, I was interviewed for  Women's Weekly  magazine. They wanted photos to go with the interview ...
Amanda Brooke has a beautiful blog where she writes about her simple life and being a mum. Amanda has just opened a shop called Little Eco, ...
This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaini...
I have discovered a new (to me) form of knitting that I really like. Log cabin - it's like a patchwork log cabin pattern, only knitted. ...
In the most recent gardening post, Patricia asked about how Hanno and I work together and added: "Mainly I ask as quite a number of fri...
I don't remember doing any knitting for my own babies. I didn't sew for them either. My mum knitted beautiful booties and jackets f...
Life is never static. Things change all the time. Just when you think it's looking fine, change breezes in, and the work starts again. O...
This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaini...
This is just a teaser - an indiction of what you'll find in the book. In a busy week full of reading and workshops, today I am to...
Today I'm featuring an email from a lady who wrote a couple of weeks ago about establishing a life while paying a mortgage and saving fo...
I haven't written about our garden much lately but it's still here, happily bubbling away in the background, providing much of our f...
After water, tea is the most popular non-alchoholic drink in the world. My favourite drink is orange juice made from our backyard oranges,...
This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaini...
A couple of days ago I made a batch of cultured cream and some chilli jam and Eclair asked if I would write more about them. We have quite ...
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