I was so happy with the feedback from my guest post here last week, thank you all for your kind comments. It’s lovely to hear from others li...
from Vicki to Kim from Kim to Vicki from Jennie to Laurie from Heather to Sharon L from Karen to Annemarie Hello swappers! Here is another s...
We had a wonderful weekend with little bits of work and a lot of relaxing thrown in for good measure. Much of our time was spent outside in...
I'm having a clean up day today and have been deleting a few links and favourites on my computer. I've found a couple of very good l...
Hanno and his son, Jens, drove over to the farm country west of here yesterday to buy enough hay to do both our families all year. Jens and ...
from Michelle to Lisa J From Tameson to Christine From Tameson to Christine foldedup from Coleen to Maria Cherry From Rachel Blondel to R...
I’ve been wondering lately about the differences between a house and a home. What turns a house, flat, caravan, farmhouse or apartment, int...
Hello ladies! I just wanted to remind all of you that your parcels should be in the mail unless you have made other arrangements with your b...
There will be much hustle and bustle here today. This time next week the first of our guests will have arrived - my sister, Tricia - and we ...
Our garden is producing very little at the moment but we did put food aside in the freezer when there was an abundance which we are making u...
I have asked my friend Belinda Moore to write about raising children while living simply. Belinda lives with her husband and six children to...
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