Happy Australia Day to my fellow Australians! Whether you celebrate quietly with Vegemite on toast while watching the cricket, or at a BBQ ...
We had a nice supply of ginger beer going over Christmas. It's a delicious soft drink for young and old, although there is an alcoholic...
I live a charmed life. We live here, on this fertile land with a creek running by it, at the end of a one-lane street, surrounded by a few ...
With less than a month to go until the book is released, there has been a lot going on here behind the scenes.  Hanno and I are planning ou...
This is my regular Friday feature in which I share a few things I've read or watched recently and some blogs that have inspired me in s...
Of all the things I do during the course of a normal day, the one thing that is guaranteed to help me relax is knitting.  Who would have th...
There is no doubt about it, the cost of living continues to rise and unless we take stock of what we can do in our own lives, we'll be ...
By the look of the comments yesterday, there is a need for another bread tutorial. I didn't have time yesterday to answer the bulk of ...
These are delicious! Kartoffelpuffer - or potato pancakes, are one of those dishes that can be part of a meal of a meal in themselves. Hann...
Fridays this year will be about sharing links I think you might find interesting, or even enriching. It might be a blog, article or website...
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