23 January 2012

Pre-ordering the book

With less than a month to go until the book is released, there has been a lot going on here behind the scenes.  Hanno and I are planning our trip down south and the publicity and promotion have step up a notch. Penguin have added a "look inside" feature to my section of their website. If you go there, you'll be able to see the table of contents and a couple of pages of the book. And  for international readers who want to buy the book, or any of my Australian friends who want to buy it online, you can pre-order now at the following online book shops. All the shops in this list will send the book out around Australia and internationally:
They're all well know businesses in Australia, so don't worry about placing an online order.

When I go to these places, or if I catch sight of the book sitting in my bookshelf, it still surprises me to see my name there. A lot of water has run under the bridge since I first thought of writing this book. I originally wrote a couple of chapters and sent them off to three Australian publishers. They were rejected. I was disappointed, but to tell you the truth, I wasn't surprised. But I thought I had some good ideas and that if I could get them out so that others could read them, they'd be able to work towards the same kind of day-to-day happiness that Hanno and I had discovered. Well, to cut a long story short, I started this blog with the beginnings of that first book and it was the blog that led, first my agent, then Penguin, to me and this book.

And now, here we are planning a road trip to promote the book and to meet as many of you as we can. I'll have more details next week about where we'll be but I do hope that if we are close by you'll come out and say hello. You'll recognise us, we'll be the ones with the Thermos of tea. ; - )

My other news is that I'll be on ABC radio in NSW, state-wide except Sydney, on Tuesday 31 January. They're starting a new segment on simple living and I have the honour of being the first guest.  Also, during the first week of February, Channel 7 will be here filming for a segment on Sunrise. For our international readers, Sunrise is one of our national TV morning programs. I'll let you know when that will be on air.

As you can see there is some excitement coming up but in the meantime, we still have life skills workshops at the Neighbourhood Centre to present, there are many blog posts yet to be written and a lot of day-to-day living to be done. I don't want to get ahead of myself, still, it is exciting to think about it.



  1. I am in the middle of packing up my house to move this week, but I'm so excited about your book, and for some reason so scared I'll miss out (which I know won't happen), that I'm going to find time today to pre-order it. Wow Rhonda! You're famous! Such a fun and exciting time for you - I can't wait to get my hands on one of these books - it will be a treasure in my home.

  2. I am in Canada and am anxious to read your book someday! :) Will it be available as an ebook?

  3. Such an exciting time you have ahead of you , Rhonda. Enjoy the ride!!

  4. Glad to see your book is nearly out Rhonda, I'm so pleased for you, what a wonderful journey you're having! You've been such an inspiration to me, and to many others I'm sure.

    Looking forward to reading the book, and to many more years of your blog!

    Jenni x

  5. Retro, there are no plans for an ebook at the moment.

  6. How exciting, pre-ordered your book for myself and my daughter-in-law, she is very much into frugal living and is a new Mum (I became Grandma in 2011 as well!) All the best, love your blog

  7. I don't comment often, but I read quite a bit and your blog is one of my favorites. I'm so excited about the book and have been since you mentioned it was coming out. I'm thrilled to think of being able to read your thoughts and ideas in hard copy form and be able to refer back to it whenever I want, just by pulling it from the bookshelf!

    I'm really excited for you that your dream has finally become a reality. Thanks for all you do here, even for those of us who don't regularly comment.

  8. Also, I forgot to mention: I went to the Penguin website and saw the first few pages of the book. The photography is stunning. So beautiful. It just pulls you right in.

  9. Your new book is beautiful. I have followed your blog for a very long time. Will it be available in the US?
    Good luck with all your publicity outings. How exciting it all must be for you.

  10. Oh my, your excitement is shining through in your post this morning!!! And why not? You are doing things that not many of us get to do or even imagine doing in our life time....... it's definitely exciting!!!! Even I'm excited!
    All the very best to you and Hanno in your travels - you can let us know later how it feels to be feted and famous!! ;o)

  11. Congratulations again Rhonda..I cant wait to purchase one. Great news about all the publicity too, hoping you are able to manage it all okay!
    Lynette from Adelaide.

  12. Either there's been a few changes on your blog (header, personal picture, etc.) or I've been oblivious!

    Best wishes on your travels and book promoting!

  13. Oh dear.. I wish I could be there to see you sitting with your Thermos full of tea! ;o)

    Dear Rhonda and Hanno, I wish you all the best with your roadtrip and the promotion of your book. I am confinced it will become a besteller! Even internationaly. Starting by me!! ;o)

    Have a great week,

    with love from Holland

  14. I do hope to catch up with you in person if/when you are in Canberra Rhonda. x

  15. I've ordered a few things from Fishpond now and find them to be really reliable and I haven't paid freight on any items either. I will pre-order my copy of your book today. I plan to give a copy of the book to my 4 sisters for their birthdays this year so I will have a preview.
    Take care on your road trip and take it easy, it will be a tiring, exciting time for you and Hanno. I loved how you said you'd have your Thermos of tea with you!

    Cheers - Joolz

  16. Hi Rhonda,
    Oh, this is so exciting. Isn't neat to see something that began as a thought in your head come to fruition? The photos of your book look absolutely fabulous!!! I'm so proud of you and your book :) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  17. That is all so exciting and the photos of the book look so beautiful.I hope to meet up with you on your travels.

  18. You have a lot ahead of you this year already. It sounds like it will be a fun and fulfilling year. I love the titles of the chapters in your book, so inventive not something borning like Cooking or Recipes but ....."Nourishment" Makes you feel at home just reading them.

  19. wow and wow..so pleased and excited for you..thankyou for sharing so much and keeping true and authentic..enjoy this season.... are you coming to Adelaide????

  20. I look forward to buying your book as a thank you for the many hours of enjoyable reading over the years. It's the least I can do - the $$$ saved just from making your laundry liquid more than makes up for it. Posted about it the other day on my blog www.spadesandspoons.blogspot.com

  21. Yes, I'm looking forward to meeting all of you too! So is Hanno. There are no plans for Adelaide, sorry.

  22. Mitzi, there are no plans to publish it in the US so if you want a copy, you'll have to order it from one of the book stores I listed.

  23. Hi Rhonda, can't wait to get a copy. Are you going on a book signing tour in Brisbane? I'd love to get a signed copy. Been a fan of yours for years.

    Anne xx

  24. Your first book looks so lovely but doesn't seem to be available in England x

  25. Thats fantastic stuff Rhonda and so exciting for you! Well done on a huge accomplishment.

  26. oh Rhonda...i am just so excited for you....Sunrise!!!!I shall be sure to try and catch that one!
    Will you be coming anywhere near Far Nth Coast NSW or Gold Coast?....i would love to buy a copy of the book and thank you personally!!
    Look how much has happened because they rejected your idea in the first place...lol!
    Hanno and your family must just be so proud of you! Gosh i think i am a little too excited...but what a lovely post to read this morning!

  27. Mrs Thrifty, it is only available in Australia. If you want a copy, you'll have to order it from those links.

  28. I look forward to seeing this book someday in the U.S. I'll check out those links.

  29. How exciting. Off to pre-order the book right now. So looking forward to getting the book.

  30. I would be very interested in an eBook!

  31. If the Illawarra doesn't make the list I know Sydney will -- I'll be up there will bells on!

  32. PS Please tell Hanno that Tony is looking forward to meeting him!

  33. Awesome! So so so excited for you. :)
    I will go place a pre-order from sunny southern CA.

  34. Rose, we are definitely coming to the Gong.

  35. I ordered the book and am so excited! Lori

  36. Well done Rhonda, such an exciting time for you and Hanno! Do you think you'll be coming to the west on your book launch ? Would love to meet you and buy one in person :)
    Best wishes,
    Jeni (Mabel Grey)

  37. West as in West Australia, Mabel Grey? No, only the eastern states. Sorry.

  38. A (happy) busy month or so ahead for you two! And Sunrise too - I'm going to be sure to watch it that day :) Off now to take a peek in your book...

  39. I pre-ordered two copies of your book on Fishpond last Friday. One for me and one for my step daughter. We are both eagerly looking forward to the delivery. Shall have to try and catch up with you somewhere Rhonda to get them signed! How exciting!

    Cheers, Karen near Gympie.

  40. Hi Rhonda - Your book is beautiful and looking at the contents list it contains a wealth of information, I can't wait to get my hands on my very own copy. Congratualtions and have fun on the promo tour.


  41. Oh Goddness, such excitement, i wonder if Ballarat will get a special appearance? x

  42. Hey There Rhonda,
    Congratulations on the book, I have been anxiously awaiting its arrival on sale, so very excited for you....keep up the great work!

  43. Looking at the contents there's quite a lot covered. Lovely pics in the "look inside" preview.

  44. I cant wait for your book Rhonda! Im so excited, Im pre ordering on Fishpond.
    A wonderful opportunity for you. Enjoy the fun that comes your way, we are all behind you!!

  45. Hi Rhonda :-)
    I've only recently discovered your blog, but will be enjoying reading over past posts. Thank you for dropping by my blog. There was a lot of interest in the stitchery I did from one of your designs. It is destined to be a cover for something in my kitchen - the sentiments are those I want to see and ponder over each day.

  46. Looking forward to seeing the tour dates.

  47. I've pre ordered your book and now I have to wait ... and ghee I'm excited about the day it will arrive at my place in South Aussie!

    I wish you every success with your book, as I know it will become a classic!

    Thank you for making the time to do these wonderful things for our world!

  48. Hi Rhonda! Having looked at Fishpond and the shipping to the UK, I can't afford to spend GBP40 on a book, so I have to say I join the others in hoping that it might become available for e-reader/Kindle or as an e-book if it is never going to be published outside of Australia.

    However, I am excited for you all in Australia who will be able to read it, and hope you have a wonderful trip meeting all your fans! Hope you and Hanno have a good time, and I am looking forward to reading all about it.

  49. Rhonda,

    Do you have plans for book signing for your overseas readers? I have a niece that has dedicated herself to "green" living and I would love to give an autographed copy of your book to her.


  50. I can't wait to get a copy!
    Anyone in Germany (where I live) or the Netherlands (where I come regularly) interested in sharing an order, to cut shipping costs? Otherwise the shipping would be higher than the price of the book.
    I'm Robin63 on the forum, message me.


  51. It is beautiful that by first giving away the information, you were finally able to write the book. I am finding more and more examples of this in my life. As we give to others, it comes back to us in ways we only dreamed. Congratulations!

  52. Congrat and best wishes! Have fun and enjoy the ride! :)

  53. Congrats Rhonda! Your book looks wonderful, and what an honor to be the first guest on that radio series! :) Keep on keepin on!

  54. Can't wait to see it--I hope it will be available in the US?

  55. Rhonda i am THRILLED for you!
    Maybe a trip to New Zealand is in order for the book launch too???

    Love Leanne NZ

  56. Ooooh, now I can't decide whether to pre-order, or wait until I come across in June, or beg you for a signed copy if you are still thinking of sending some out to readers. At any rate, I'm on the customer list, can't wait!

  57. oh wow Rhonda, it looks so great & I can't wait to read it. Hope you have a lovely and useful time on your book tour - wish I was living in Aussie so I could say hi.

  58. I cannot wait to order your book!

  59. I've pre-ordered the book and can't wait for it to arrive. Though I know it's coming, it will still be lovely to receive a gift to myself in the mail. The real gift will be reading Rhonda's carefully crafted words of wisdom. I look forward to it.


  60. The shipping costs from Australia to good old Europe ain't cheap, but I still pre-ordered your book. I think it's a good investment. :-) I'm so excited for it to arrive! Greetings from Uschi in Austria!

  61. Just ordered the book and very excited to hear you're coming to Wollongong.

  62. I just ordered the book and can't wait to get it ! So excited to hear you will be coming to Wollongong too!! If we bring a copy of the book will you be signing them or just if they were purchased on the day from the store you are visiting??

  63. Well hello and congrats. What a fabulous looking book. I'm very much looking forward to you coming to Wollongong. Let us know if you need any promotion help.

  64. Love the blog and so excited re: your book!! Many congrats :) Looking forward to reading it :)


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