I hope you had a lovely weekend. We are a home of four adults again. Shane and Sarndra asked if they can stay here till they get jobs and ...
I have been updating the Co-op blog today and while doing it, removed a lot of the formatting on this blog. Grrrrr. I had just added new ...
I just want to repost the swap reminder Sharon wrote last week. So for those of you in the swap, here is it: Rose and I (Sharon) would like...
There really is no reason for me to know what day it is, or the time of day for that matter, nevertheless, I do usually know the day. I did...
I am sure you all know that what I write about in my daily post is a small fraction of what Hanno and I get up to each day. If we continue ...
Rose and I (Sharon) would like to remind all the ladies who are in the dishtowel and hot pad swap that the deadline is Saturday, April 25. ...
I've been thinking about bags lately. Cotton storage bags to be precise. I was given a bread bag for my birthday. It's a cotton b...
Despite my gentle reminder about slowing down, I've been very busy of late and today will be no exception. I have a few other things I ...
New readers often send emails asking about how to start a simple life. This question is almost impossible to answer because we are all so ...
Anna S by Carl Larsson from here. I really enjoyed reading a comment from Elizabeth yesterday. She said, in part, “I have been reading your...
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