We had a lovely weekend. Hanno worked at the food and coffee stall at our local organic farmers markets on Saturday morning. Our Centre ru...
My life seems to be nicely balanced at the moment. I have days at home when I cook, garden, write, sew, knit and relax and just when I feel...
There is so much one could write concerning water conservation. Everyone uses water. We all need it to survive and yet it's one of thos...
One of the questions I am often asked in emails is: "I am trying to reduce the amount of plastic I use but I can't seem to find a w...
"Hmmm, I wonder if there's anything to eat in there. " We have water containers everywhere. They stand like sad reminders of ...
I get the impression sometimes that a few of my friends here think I'm a bit of a saint, and that I selflessly work from daylight to dus...
Dana over at Old Red Barn is having a giveaway. The prize is a quilt! There are no photos yet but the photos of her first quilt giveaway a...
The pincushion, needle book /water bottle holder swap seems to be going well after a little bit of tweaking and sorting out swap buddies. As...
There was a real nip in the air when I got out of bed yesterday. It was only 5 C (41 F) and when the sun came up the sky was bright blue, w...
I met Hanno on my 28th birthday, we married when I was 31 and our first baby, Shane, was born a year later. Shane turns 28 next Tuesday. H...
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