I hope everyone is having a relaxing week-end. I am going to split the sewing links I have into two posts -today I will give you some of the...
I wanted to remind everyone to make sure that they have gotten a hold of their swap buddy. I have heard from one who hasn't, and would ...
I was feeling relaxed and focused as I went about my work yesterday. I pottered around the house doing this and that, and then worked on Sh...
I have a secret pleasure at work. It's a pleasure Hanno disapproves of so it makes it all the more special for me. Before you start th...
I am really surprised at the cost of food now. I went to work with no lunch yesterday and ended up buying a curried vegetable pie at the lo...
I love baskets. I often take a basket with me when I go to my voluntary job, or out with Hanno to do the grocery shopping. When we go out f...
It does me good to have time away from screens. I know this and make sure I have a couple of days most weeks when I spend most of my time co...
I have to monitor the comments again. Some creep is leaving innocent comments with links to pornographic sites. I know that many of you le...
I know that some of you will do some stitchery on your swap items and I though you would enjoy the following links. I guess you could call...
I hope everyone enjoys their week-end. After a bit of shuffling and switching around, I believe that we have the swap buddies in order. I fo...
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