It's going to get worse before it gets better. With the cost of petrol continuing to rise in Australia and around the world, which also ...
She arrived! Jenny is here with us now. She is so charming! She arrived yesterday in a little post bag, wrapped warmly in pink tissue paper...
Recently, one of the regular readers, I'm sorry but I've forgotten who is was, asked me to write about my dogs, Rosie and Alice. The...
In winter, I could easily live on soup alone. No, scratch that, oat porridge in the morning and soup in the evening. Give me that and I'...
Hello ladies, I just wanted to remind you to e-mail your swap buddy as soon as you can. Be aware that many times your buddy's response ...
Hello ladies! After a bit of sorting and re-sorting I am now posting the swap buddies. Please try to get hold of your swap buddy as soon as ...
Some of you would remember that I bartered a couple of things for some fertile partridge wyandotte bantam eggs around Christmas time. Tw...
Lyn at Patchwork Angel is having a gorgeous redwork pattern giveaway. It will be drawn tomorrow so if you want to be in the draw, go here n...
It's a cool morning here and I'm just about to go into the garden to pot up some herbs. After that I'll be working on my book s...
The sign up for the pin cushion/needlebook or the water bottle holder is now over. There are a few of you who forgot to give me some importa...
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