I want to encourage every one of you who choose to live simply to do it on your own terms. There is no rule book for simple living, we a...
Here we are, just a couple of crazy kids, about to set off to pick up our chooks on Saturday. I didn’t want to garden yesterday. I was tired...
It's Mother's Day in Australia today. Mother's Day - the one day of the year when we eat strange looking breakfasts and wear mac...
Hello swappers-I just wanted to remind everyone to remember to send me a jpeg photo of their totes as they receive them so I can post them o...
We spent a relaxing day in the backyard yesterday. I did some gardening while Hanno continued on his nest building project in the shed. It&#...
It's a constant challenge keeping the pantry and stockpile cupboards full and rotating. I've been going through my cupboards this we...
There is a corner in our backyard that holds a corrugated iron water tank, an outdoor kitchen sink with running water attached, old buckets ...
I've been writing emails this morning instead of posting so here are some photos taken last week but not posted. Clicking on the photos ...
We had a public holiday here yesterday so I took full advantage of the day to finish off a dishcloth for a friend and to do some sewing. I l...
Hello everyone. Here are the recipes shared after my request yesterday. Thanks to all who posted their budget recipes. I have fixed the spac...
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