There is no kitchen here, no floor either. These vital parts of our home should have been installed last Monday and Tuesday but the kitchen ...
Glass jars can be reused many times for your jams. New lids can be purchased when the seal goes. Choose your packaging carefully when you ar...
Yes, it's the second post today but I wanted to write about a few additional things. There are a few blogs I want to recommend you read....
Debt, what a rotten word. Yet it’s what most of us have to sign up to, live with and work through if we are to own our own home. Let me say ...
I had a lovely email from a reader today, an ex-New Yorker who has moved to PA. She's a writer and a contributor to the book Get Satisfi...
Our six monthly water bill arrived yesterday. It was $44.85, with our discount we have to pay $40.36. We've worked hard to reduce our wa...
It's Thanksgiving Day in America today so I'd like to wish my American friends happy Thanksgiving. I hope you all have a wonderful d...
This is the beginnings last night's dinner, prepared in the guest bathroom. There are cooked potatoes in the colander at the back, radi...
Is this every man's dream? The fridge next to the armchair, facing the TV. We survived another day without a kitchen, and with cupboard...
I love it when the unexpected happens. It reminds me that no matter how much we plan things out, no matter how many people work on a job, no...
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