You might think the subject of today's post is a bit odd but it's the unusual things that aren't generally thought about in toda...
I had an email from a dear reader yesterday asking for some thoughts on a life-career dilemma. Although I don't see myself as an expert ...
I have had to change to comment moderation because someone ranted in one of the comment boxes. Naturally it was from an anonymous person. ...
Yesterday was a day of gardening, cooking and sewing for me. It was quite hot here so before the sun hit the garden I was out there cutting ...
I found two very good posts this morning that you should read. One is by Little Jenny Wren and it contains some wise truths: http://littleje...
As I was doing my work yesterday I realised that our home is very old fashioned. Our kitchen is the centre of our home, it's a place...
This is the last lot of routines. I have found them fascinating. We are all trying our best to live simply, we all over the world and yet de...
From Anastasia in USA 5:00am - Get up. Fix DH breakfast and pack his lunch. Visit with him until he leaves at 6:30.6:30am - Read Bible. 7am...
There is no doubt about it, running a home is complicated, and when you add in a partner, children, pets, homeschooling, work, gardens and w...
I've been thinking about the post I'll do tomorrow. I need your help with it. I want to write a post about how we're all differe...
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