I never tire of the simple sounds of my home and garden. I suppose noise is that sound most people don't want to hear, but I welcome mo...
I took you all with me yesterday. I went to my friend Bernadette's home to pick up some cuttings and then down the road a bit to a meeti...
I met Hanno on my 28th birthday, he was 37. He was recovering from a divorce and the death of his daughter. Two years later we were married ...
The swapped napkins are starting to be received all over the world so I'll take this opportunity to remind everyone that the deadline fo...
Shopping! {shudder} I did my grocery shopping yesterday from the comfort of my own backyard. Let me explain - I wrote a shopping list, Hanno...
We lost a guiding light yesterday. After much thought, Jewels has decided to make her wonderful journal, Eyes of Wonder , private again. No ...
These are photos of some of my herbs, taken this morning. This is yarrow, borage, parsley, oregano, with daisies, to attract bees, in the ba...
Most of us see the sense of not spraying pesticides and herbicides in the garden, nor using chemical cleaners in our homes. There are many r...
How are you all going with your electricity and water meter readings? I hope you have mastered the meters and are now doing weekly readings....
I moved into my new sewing room yesterday. I haven't got everything exactly as I want it yet, I'm using pieces of furniture I'd ...
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