I have a bit of a chuckle now and then about the food police and how they try to shame or scare parents into serving this or that.  Usually...
I spent some time this week bear watching at Katmai Nation Park in Alaska . I wish I could tell you I was there in person, but...
Luckily I don't compare my performance to what others are doing. When I look at the forum and see the amount of work some of our member...
Yes, there's a new baby coming into our lives, she's a Scottish Terrier puppy called Gracie. Those of you who have been reading her...
Another week has been and gone, another weekend approaches.  To tell you the truth, almost every day is like a weekend to me now, and eve...
There are many things we can all do to save money in our homes. Some of them are so easy and commonplace we rarely think of them, or think...
My thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts on topics to write about. It was quite overwhelming reading such heartfelt comments. I also...
 The garden on Thursday. My sincere thanks to everyone who commented or emailed about topics I could cover in future posts. It real...
We've had quite a history of fruit trees in our backyard. When we bought this place, there was a 30 year old avocado living quite happi...
The daikon radishes are growing like wild fire this year. I think most of them would weigh about 500grams/a pound and they're crisp a...
Most of the work I do here at home is food related with cooking, preserving, baking and growing taking a good slice of my ordinary days. It...
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