12 September 2016

A new baby!

Yes, there's a new baby coming into our lives, she's a Scottish Terrier puppy called Gracie. Those of you who have been reading here for a long time will know that in the past we lived with Airedale Terriers. We lost Rosie, aged 12, eight years ago and Alice, aged 13, five years ago. When Hettie, our 18 year old cat, died last year we were both heart-broken and we swore she would be our last pet. Those final days were just too painful.

Well, a bit of water has flowed under the bridge since then and life seems to have helped us forget some of that pain. All the pressure of paid work is in the past for us and now that we're up to date with our home maintenance, we're looking for new challenges.  Enter Gracie, stage left.

She arrives on 5 October and we're really looking forward to welcoming her into our family.  We'll go back to making dog food and biscuits and having chewed shoes. Gracie will be a house dog, with occasional forays, when she's older, into the chook house to help us keep down the rat and mouse population out there. Traditionally Scottie dogs were bred to hunt rodents.

We're both keen to train Gracie when she settles in. We're looking forward to many hours with her running in the back yard, chasing a ball, and trips out and about to show her the wide world - or the small part of it that we inhabit. And in the meantime, we're preparing the house, making blankets and bedding and looking for toys, a seat belt harness and collar.  It's like getting ready for a baby all over again and that's always a good thing.  ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎



  1. Lovely news and lovely breed of dog. But then I'm biaised ;-)

  2. Congratulations! I wondered if you were thinking about getting another dog. I noticed you pinned quite a few Scotch terrier bits on your Pinterest. Oh, what fun you'll have with a new dog.

  3. Hooray! What a wonderful piece of news. I can feel the palpable anticipation in your post today and a real sense of possibility. We rent so are unable to keep a 'doggo' (as the girls wistfully call all dogs)....I am nonetheless very appreciative that the landlord allows me to keep 7 chickens and our deeply 'troubled' cat Toshi. Coincidentally my wife would choose a Scotty if we had the opportunity and I would choose and Airedale.....one day. I grew up with full-sized fox terriers who were wonderful snake dogs (often depositing their gifts at the back door to the horror of my mother) loyal and brave. Tiger passed on to the big meadow in the sky nearly 35 years ago but I still miss him - a deeply important part of my childhood and teenage years.

    1. I still love Airedales, mrhm, but they're too big for us now; we need a smaller dog. Of course it has to be a terrier and it has to be square. There is something about square dogs that I can't resist. Tiger sounds like a great dog.

  4. She's gorgeous!! Such an exciting time :-) xo

  5. Oh how fun. Don't forget to share puppy pictures when she arrives! :)

  6. Oh my goodness, such cuteness abounds! I am so happy for you to have a new furry companion in your household! I look forward to the tales about Gracie! (I wanted to name my Jack Russell Mix, Gracie, but my youngest daughter liked Tootsie for her better)Oh please...lots of pictures when you can and lots of stories!

  7. Oh what a great news, I look forward to all the stories about Grace.
    With love Manon

  8. Oh, Gracie is just too cute, Rhonda. How lovely for you and Hanno to have the pitter patter of puppy paws at your place again. Our very regal Labrador, Sir Steve, thinks this is beyond wonderful news! Meg

  9. Rosie is adorable Rhonda. I absolutely love dogs. We grew up with a Corgi and I still remember her like yesterday. They really do wriggle their way into your heart. Looking forward to her arrival and hearing about how she is going, A goal I have is to start making our own dog food too. Better health wise and financially too I would say.

  10. So cute! When our two elderly kitties died, I said I didn't want another pet. It was too hard to say goodbye. But friends of my husband had rescued a cat and she was not being accepted by the other older cats they had so they begged us to take her. As soon as we saw her, she had us wrapped around her paws. That was seven years ago and she is ten now but hopefully has many good years left. I think welcoming another pet is an honor to those we loved before.

  11. Sweetness for sure! Congratulations!

  12. Yay! Puppies are great fun and there's nothing like dog companionship. Welcome Gracie!

  13. My mum and dad have got a scottie. They are great little dogs and so friendly but they are also very good at letting you know if anyone is lurking about outside!

  14. Hello Gracie what a beautiful girl you are :-)

  15. What a sweetheart. I too have said no more pets after Tupp dies and she's 15, I'll see if we stick to it. We've always had cats, but I do like dogs too. My sister just got a lab retriever to help her son who is suffering with depression, as dogs can really help. They are another dimension in the family. Enjoy.

  16. Hi Rhonda,

    I'm so excited for you. I too said I wouldn't have another dog after losing a beloved Dalmatian about 8 years ago. Well, after a similar break to you I just found I so missed having a companion animal in my home so along came Kendra (another Dally). I have had unimaginable joy with this sweet dog and so glad I changed my mind and brought her into our lives.

    Bet you have that 'can't wait' feeling!


  17. what a gorgeous girl, the kids will adore her too

  18. Congratulations! Gracie will fill you both with love and laughter. Kevin finally got a Schnauzer for his (70th) birthday this year. He has called her Sally and she has brought us much joy. Life is so much better when you share it with animals.

  19. So cute.......pets are so good for the soul...my daughter has a budgie and he says "I love you" and "good morning...all day long"...it makes you laugh. You both will enjoy your new addition to the family. Regards Kathy

  20. Hi Rhonda,

    She looks so sweet! I'm sure she will give you many years of joy.


  21. What a little darlin! Sounds like baby prep indeed :)

  22. How wonderful! A new addition to the family. There is nothing like a doggie any sort-whatever suits you. They are both family and best friend. I cannot do without my Sheltie-he was new to us this year-now he is 8 months old! A long and happy life to all of you. I look forward to hearing about Gracie!

  23. Wonderful for you and Gracie both!!

  24. Yaaay! That is so exciting. Congratulations.

  25. Ooh, what a lovely puppy! Look forward to more pix xxx


  26. Oh, how precious! So happy and excited for you! A new breath of life for you all to enjoy.

  27. Oh my goodness, what a sweet face! I know you must be excited. I look forward to hearing about adventures with Gracie.

  28. Oh, how sweet! Nothing like puppy breath... unless it is a human baby's breath! Enjoy!

  29. She looks gorgeous. We have a 6 month old puppy living next door and she brings such joy to everyone. Congratulations.

  30. Hi Rhonda, I was just saying this very morning that our Lakeland Terrier, Ruby is my best friend and accomplice. Our life is never boring with Ruby around. It sounds silly but it made me so happy for you and Hanno and I earnestly look forward to your posts on 'our' new Miss Gracie.

  31. Congratulations Rhonda, your puppy looks adorable. We also said no more pets when we lost our last dog, Darcy but after 18 months I'm starting to change my mind. Maybe when I retire. I will enjoy watching Gracie settle in to her new life. Jenny

  32. What a beautiful pup she is!! Life has its cycles doesn't it? Sometimes we must say goodbye to our beloved pets, but then when we have the chance to welcome a new "baby" it can bring much joy. Looking forward to many pictures and stories about Gracie!

  33. Awww what wonderful news. Welcome Gracie

  34. oh how cute. I can't wait to see her get square ha ha. I know it's horribly expensive but I would recommend pet insurance - we have just had a very expensive hip operation with no insurance - ouch - on a small dog. I've had it in the past with pets and never claimed - Murphy's law and all that. Luckily we had emergency funds which have been horribly stretched.

  35. That is wonderful! Lucky pup :) I'm looking forward to seeing if your rodent population decreases with her around - we could use some help with that in our chicken coop too.

  36. Ohh how lovely, she is adorable. Nothing like young pets and the love they give to keep us going. Enjoy!

  37. What a cutie, pets are so special. I have 3 cats and can't imagine not having them, even though they aren't even that friendly...
    Enjoy the new pup when you get him.

  38. congratulations! that's wonderful news! & isn't she just gorgeous too! you know, once a pet owner, always a pet owner, i miss my B.B. something awful & am quite ready to have another dog but will wait til i have a fence up first, i couldn't live without cats though, they're just such good company.
    thanx for sharing
    selina from kilkivan qld

  39. What fun times await! Lots of work (toilet training - ahh) but so much fun.
    Enjoy, Rhonda. x

  40. Hi Rhonda, this post touched me so much. Today is our one year anniversary of losing our little dog called "Gracie". Our dog was called Gracie as the Lost Dogs Home in Melbourne is in Gracie Street.(Our Gracie came from the pound in Townsville) When our lovely little dog was naughty we called her "disgracie"!. Looking forward to seeing more Gracie posts. Enjoy! Leisa

  41. Oh lovely! It'll be fun and educational for Jamie too when he is with you.

  42. Congratulations and best wishes, I hope Gracie brings you both much joy.

  43. Oh, that's lovely. I bet your grandies will love Gracie too!

  44. What a lovely news!
    We have a toy poodle Lucy and a cavoodle Cocoa. They fill our lives with love and laughter.
    Welcome back to the puppy club.:)

  45. What a dear little face she has. Wonderful news.

  46. Oh that's so lovely! Dogs really are the most wonderful companions. I don't know what id do without my little ball of fur :)

  47. Aw, so cute.Lots of work but much more fun. Looking forward to watching her grow. :)

  48. Lovely! I have a Gracie too, she is a west highland white terrier though, and a bit old and smelly now, but still very dear! Wouldn't like to be without a dog but you are right they are members of the family and you grieve so much when they go.

  49. awww! What a sweetie! Yes, we have vowed that the two dogs we have will be the last! We love them to pieces but... don't want to get this attached to another pet. Thanks for sharing!

  50. Hi Rhonda, my heart just skipped a beat when I saw the photo of Gracie. As a proud Scottie dog owner I can absolutely say that you will fall head over heels in love with this breed. Our girl has brought us so much happiness. I look forward to seeing Gracie do the same for you and Hanno.

  51. Oh I am in LOVE!! that face :) Best of luck with her, she is precious.

  52. Such wonderful news Rhonda!
    Your little Gracie looks so cute, she will bring you such joy. We have a little fox terrier cross and we love her to bits! Looking forward to photos and news when Gracie joins your family.

  53. How exciting! She is beautiful!

  54. Congratulations Rhonda and Hanno. I love the name you've chosen for your gorgeous new baby. Life is so much more complete with a four legged little one to care for, laugh at, talk to, take out into the world with you. I think I live some parts of my life through my dogs. :)

  55. This is such great news. Lots of fun and love is coming your way. Lots of work too, but it is all worth it. Good luck with Gracie.
    Hugs and a paw from my pup Leila ( a Flatcoated Retriever)

  56. Yay!! Congratulations to you and Hanno on the upcoming addition of Gracie to your family! She looks so sweet. My nephew Bailey the Scottie went to heaven 3 years ago and he is still deeply missed. He was the first Scottie and the first terrier in the family. He was so loyal and loving, and the king of all he surveyed, i.e., watch out squirrels, bike riders going by (airplanes going overhead!), and anything else that moved. I've missed seeing Alice in the background on your blog and can't wait to follow the adventures of Gracie.

  57. Oh she is absolutely adorable Rhonda! Your grand kids will love her too - how exciting :-)

  58. sweet little puppy, like you whenever one of my pets move on, I think, okay now, no more heart aches for me, had my share at 66 years, Then I think of how selfish I am being, so many little ones needing a home, plus we all get one from a shelter if I can give one abetter life for awhile, why not, we are all Gods creatures and part of our jobs here is to try to bring comfort when and when ever we can.

  59. How Wonderful !!! She looks adorable! I'm sure she'll be a great addition to your family ! We have a 12 year old Scottish Terrier and his name is Buster. We also have a 11/2 year old West Highland White Terrier, named Skye. We Love them both dearly !! Both are DEFINITELY terriers but totally different personalities!! I do hope you have a fenced in backyard, it will make your life a lot easier and so much safer for her. Those terriers have such a mind of their own when they see something! I can't wait to see her grow up and hearing some lively tales!


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