I was asked by a reader the other day why I don't do more posts on budgeting and frugal living. There are three reasons:  The minds...
Last week I wrote about vegetable garden preparation, maintenance and production but there are many other parts of gardens that are inter...
Just a quick post to let you know that my dil Sarndra is having a "giveaway" on her Facebook page. Sarndra explains what that is ...
Externalities - A short film (4 mins) by David Suzuki. Thanks to Sarndra for the link. Humanise it - Seth Godin The price we pay How...
We've started luring Jamie into our gardening ways. He had his first trip to the markets with Hanno and his mum on Sunday to buy seedli...
I was listening to the radio the other day and tuned in just in time to hear a young woman talk about how bored she was staying at home wit...
Eight steps to encourage sustainability in our communities Inequality for all The cost of keeping chickens The Accidental Homesteader ...
Hanno and Kerry drove to Toowoomba at 2am this morning so Kerry could board the plane to take him out west to work. Sunny needs the car dur...
You start thinking about making changes to your life, you decide that now is the time, you get all fired up to do something new, like recyc...
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