Hello all! After a LOOOONG week-end without my computer I am back with links for needlebooks. I am pleased that so many of you have signed u...
This is the view from the surf club where we had lunch on Friday. After lunch we watched the movie Then She Found Me , which we both ...
Hello all! Rhonda, Lorraine and I wish to announce a new swap. This swap will be a bit different than previous swaps in that you will be abl...
I noticed in the delicatessen the other day that quark is now selling for $19.50 a kilo. Naturally I didn't buy any as I make my own bu...
This candle, made of beeswax, was sent to me over the ocean by the lovely Niki at rural writings. Hi Niki! We have a public holiday here ne...
This is the kind of recipe that should be in everyone's meal rotation. It's cheap, healthy, easy to make, delicious and can be eate...
Although I live a simple life and I am free, on any given day, to do as I please, I find that work is an part essential of my everyday life....
Once you’ve mastered a good everyday loaf of bread, it’s time to branch out and push your own boundaries. You could do that by either exp...
Hello ladies. I am going to announce the winners of Rhonda's contest. I say "winners" because I found three who exemplified th...
Everyone has the greatest suggestions for our next swap. I am putting them in a list-we have so many great ideas it will take many swaps to...
With the rain and cold weather yesterday I started thinking of a good old fashioned baked dinner. My fellow Australians would know this as a...
It's been a busy week. I've worked every day since Sunday, and have today off but there is a training day tomorrow. After Friday e...
I have often thought that modern society has divided into two camps – adults and children. This might seem quite obvious to you but I don’t ...
It's easy to get caught up in posts about producing food when we're trying to live a frugal and sustainable life but the truth of it...
According to our local news, grocery prices will continue to rise along with the fuel price in the coming months. Almost everything we consu...
Today I want to talk about some minor changes we are making to the swaps. We have decided that we want the swaps to better reflect our simpl...
The link to our photostream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/down-to-earth_swap_photos/ from Annet to Julie (above) and from Glenda to Nancy ...
There is always something to do in the garden at the moment. I love the photo above, it is of Hanno planting tomatoes with the chooks watchi...
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